[MoCH] Empress Day: Time to Vote!

Day 1,605, 17:49 Published in Japan Japan by DankEvergreen

Its time to vote! We have ourselves 4 candidates, 3 from anime and manga, and 1 video game nomination. Remember, the runner up becomes the Royal Ambassador from eJapan to eTaiwan, so think carefully who you wish to vote for, your choice may already have a good lead and my want to consider who you would send to eTaiwan to represent our long time tradition of Empress Day.

Voting will be done differently this time around, we usually just set up a poll thread in the forums, which we will do again, but we'll add the comment section also, there will be some guidelines to make it clear what will not count. Also all votes will be able to be seen to all those that have a citizens mask in the forums as everyone can see comment votes.

Voting Guidelines:
1. You may only vote once, for one Empress nomination.
2. If you vote in the comments, then you cannot vote in the poll thread on the national forums. If you do, the poll vote will not be counted. It also works vice versa, if you vote on the poll first, and then the comment section, only your comment vote will count. This prevents conflict to accidental voting of two separate nominations.
3. If you vote twice in the comment section, only your first vote will count, unless you make it CLEAR that you cancel your first vote.
4. If you vote in the comment section please make it CLEAR that your voting, and for who, I don't want to miscount someones vote for mistakenly thinking they were just voicing their support and not voting.
5. DO NOT SEND A VOTE THROUGH A PRIVATE MESSAGE. I want all votes to be able to be seen by the public, to prevent total count conflicts.

However I do encourage all those that can vote in the forums to do so, only you the people can bring activity to our quiet forums.

Empress Day Nominations:
Yozora "Sora" Mikazuki (Anime/Manga)
Satellizer "The Untouchable Queen" el Bridget (Anime/Manga)
Rei "First Child" Ayanami (Anime/Manga)
Chen (Video Game)

Empresses of the Past:

Places You Need to Be:
Nominations and Discussion thread here.

5 Q6 Weapons or JPY of equal value for Winner
3 Q5 Weapons or JPY of equal value for runner up

MoCH Staff
Minister - DankChronic
Vice Minister -
Graphics - Zodiarque