[Ministry of Finance] Reforming Our Economy

Day 2,742, 12:37 Published in Thailand Norway by Major Lee Hung

Dear comrades,

Following our successful economic growth last quarter, we've seen our economy flourish and eThailand as a whole make over twice as much through taxation. We reached the point last month where there was little more we could do to help our economy other than to increase output - an initiative that proved almost impossible to roll out nation-wide.

One complaint stuck throughout however - that this economy isn't working for everybody. I've spoken with a number of people whose daily work tax skyrocketed under our recent success.


In order to create a much fairer system, it is time to reform how our economy currently looks. This will be done through two simple initiatives:

-Slowly reducing the number of high-paid workers, and hiring more commune workers in order to reduce the average wage, thus lowering daily work tax per building.
-Increasing WAM production across eThaland to offset the negative effect of reduced tax intake from the above.

In the short term, out tax intake will likely reduce by about 40%, but long-term we should see little adverse impact if we production increases to an appropriate amount.

Gold for Food

I'm looking to increase my levels of food production - if you have any food factories you no longer require and do require gold, let me know! I'd be interested in buying any food factories.

Overall Plan for June

-Reduce the average wage, and eventually your daily work tax.
-Increase the number of commune workers. (More on this soon)
-Increase overall production across eThailand. (More on this soon)
-Start a proper stockpile ready for any wars (More soon...)