[Libertas] Why ? And Merry Christmas !

Day 2,955, 15:55 Published in Denmark Denmark by Libertas33

I rarely write articles, however I think this is a perfect opportunity for one, it won't be that long tho.

So, revolution, why ? It's simple, because. I was joking with someone that I will make an Star Wars reference (will post later).
Denmark is in serious need of change. I understand that this might seem as an unorthodox way of doing things, and most of you will say that there was no need for this move. I could partly agree with you since things were seemingly working. On the other half, what was exactly working ? The game for Denmark is one huge deja vu. The people that I already talked to and the rest of you should know that I will never, ever do anything to compromise the integrity of Denmark and will always do what is best for Denmark eventho, I can agree, seems as the opposite of that with the revolution move. You can say whatever you want, and I will be repeating over and over again, "I will never do anything that will compromise Denmark and its' community". My actions in the past showed that, and my actions in the future will show that.
Denmark is strong because of the community and I will never want to destroy that fact, however it's unacceptable for that same community to be asleep and to be nodding their head for anything they are told without thinking for themselves. Or, they just should think harder, idk. There are always dozen of ways things might be done, and no one should flip over if some things are done out of their comfort zone.
There will always be people that are used to get only their way, and will do and say anything to protect it. Throughout history, every change started with revolution, we'll see if this will be the case for us too.

And if anyone thinks I do this because I want dictatorship and because I didn't get it when I asked for, you are wrong 😉

Now, I believe this article has gotten too long for my taste, especially in this holiday spirit. Remember, it's Christmas tomorrow and we should all spend it with our family and friends.

Now the Star Wars reference:

There is no Dark Side, nor a Light Side
There is Only the Force
I will do what I must to keep the balance
The balance is what keeps me together
There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish
There is passion, Yet peace
Serenity, Yet emotion
Chaos, Yet order
I am the wielder of the flame, the protector of balance
I am the holder of the torch, lighting the way
I am the keeper of the flame, soldier of balance
I am a guardian of balance

Merry Christmas ! :3