[Irule4PP] USWP, It's time

Day 2,120, 18:44 Published in USA USA by irule777

Hello everyone. I'm Irule777 and I'm running for Party President of the United States Workers Party. I'm the US Secretary of the Interior, NSC Deputy Director (former), Former President of Australia, USWP Media Director, former WTP Pac Director, Deputy Speaker of the House, and about a billion other jobs.

The United States Workers Party is a party of long time pride and dignity. For years we've been around and had over 850 members serve in congress and over 23 Presidential terms. We've had hundreds serve in cabinets and many more in lower positions. The USWP deserves the best it can possibly get.

Activity is key in a party president and a party itself. The other candidates I've seen simply do not meet the status quo. To be a party president, you need to lead be example with significant IRC and forum time put in daily, along with the game. I do this every day and will continue to do this as Party President. I will also start organizing IRC events and helping our new players get on IRC. We need this party to have a breath of fresh air, and we need it now.

Cabinet My party cabinet is filled with great people. SColbert as Vice Party President, Arrden in Communications and Chief of Staff, Othere as an internal assistant and I've already found many people who want to write articles or recruit. I'm still collecting people, but it will be a cabinet of activity and experience.

Congress I think the USWP needs to continue to put new players in congress and use serious people for our delegation. We need to bring up our vote count and really put some effort into our congressional representation, it's important!

Recruitment This month I'll be focused on getting more recruiters and party workers in general. Really getting newbs into the party, welcoming them, and getting them involved quickly. We've been dropping recently in numbers and we need to reverse that immediately if this party is to keep going.

Jobs More people need to be working in this party. There needs to be jobs available and a clean cut way for people to get them and get involved.

Media We need to increase USWP's Media presence. Really get more of our members writing and involved. Arrden is great with his writers guild and we'll continue to work on that and expand the idea next month.

I think this party needs some major work. I think with a good staff and Irule777 as Party President. We'll get there in no time.

Vote Irule777 for USWP!