[Irish Volunteers] The Founding

Day 3,072, 23:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ronisu
The Founding

Due to the decision of the MoD to order the Irish Army to support a controversial coup, it seemed best to create another MU directly for those members who do not support this coup. In following with the advice of Don Croata, I invite all citizens that would like to to join the Irish Volunteers. We will continue to fight for eIrish interests, but will oppose the currently planned coup.


We are building a leadership team that will organize participation in coordinated strikes and other community-based events even while we oppose the currently chosen path. We are currently examining the roles of Supply Officers as well as organization of a Boot Camp for newer members. If you are interested in getting involved, please let me know.


I am working with several industrialists to ensure we are able to offer a supply program. More details are forthcoming, but we will have a short-term solution equal to IA's current supplies, due to the expectation that many members will return to the Irish Army afterwards, that may change after the attempted coup.

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