[INFO] For ATLANTIS and Training Soldiers [eng]

Day 508, 15:53 Published in USA Romania by Mistwalker

Greetings brothers from eUSA!

While you are reading these lines this humble soldier of the eRomanian Army will try and give you a quick heads-up on what you need to be looking out for while fighting in Romania.

1. Yes, it's true I'm afraid, you need to start focusing on your military improvement and stop looking at pictures and avatars of half-naked women. We know that we have some real pretties now from home and abroad hitting those high-q weapons against walls all around the country-side but it's important to remember you will always find them smiling at your high-strenght and daring feats of arms on a terrace over a cup of tea or a chill pint of beer just winking and waiting to change a word of two with you.

2. Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence or more comonly MoD newspaper to lear up-to date news on the battlefields currently open and general guidelines and instructions in both romanian AND ENGLISH:

MoD Newspaper and ORDERS

Here it is, just a quick vote and subscription and you'll be updated periodicaly on what's going on and most importantly, where you can make the most difference 😉 remember to check the latest article more than once as it may be edited several times a day with new orders coming from the top Atlantis brass 😉

3. Our Ministry of Tourism may have fallen behind on writing out the best parts of our country but I sure am not forgetting to bring out the beauty a warrior can taste in this fair land, for instance if you're not in an area with a Q5 Hospital you're heading towards a lot of trouble, why ? Because you're missing out on a sure shot 5 fights / day, that's 2 x 5 experience points and advancement in your military career, trully a shame. So for those of you who are feeling themselves lost when looking over the wast Republic map I'll point it out for you:

Hospitals in :

- West Siberia
- Podolia
- Banat
- Muntenia
- Transilvania

If I were you , I'd go straight to WSR. Why ? Because it's a border area with Indonesia and the wall needs to be sky-high ? Because it's the most valuable resource high region on the PLANET ? Well those are good reasons but let's not forget about all the other neat stuff you can find there:

- Q5 Hotel accomodation, a warm bath at the end of a good day's struggle, good food and a great room-service
- The nurses are the hottest little angels in the world (trust me it's for real)
- Allthough the weather is pretty damn cold you can warm your bones in one of the many taverns and pubs built for war heroes and disciples alike, this author recommends the Anchorage Cafe said to be run by none other than the exiled Emperor of Matzalandia the dreaded Han Solo with former president Dsalageanu fixing cocktails by the bar; and served by the lovely russian ladies who all seem to blossom at this coming of spring 😃 ( mind the Mountain Hunters at the door, they can be pretty aggressive when provoked )

4. Now as you're all settled in in q5 hospital areas I think we all agree that it's time to have some fun, so let's get the party going:

***Fight well ! I mean LITERALY start at high wellness and never go below 50 in a day, remeber that each fight will drain 10 wellness points and make you seem a bit pale by comparrison to the average working citizen back home but don't be afraid, our lovely volunteers at the hospital are standing by to nurse you back to full health.

" ...Mens sana, in corpore sano."

Fight smart, 5 fights a day starting from 90-100 wellness then go to the hospital and heal up for the next day of glorious battle. Mind you don't forget to work and train in all this time as you need the resources to put into buying weapons as well as the muscles into pulling those nasty triggers unleashing hell 😉 ... (even in times of war I wish you all Happy Holidays and ask that you cherish your friends and remember to send each other GIFTS) which brings us to the next point:

***Fight economicaly ! Feel like starting a real media scandal with your damage ? Want to hear the babies crying and the women screaming when you *HIT* that wall ? Heheh, we all do, and trust me they all cry in the beginning when you give 'em that wicked q4 smile and laugh in the end a few days later when you're fighting with your bare fists cause you have no cash left to buy guns. Take my word for it, you will level constantly and improve day by day by using even Q1 weapons. If you happen to be one of those rich tycoons on vacation and feel like spending money hey be my guest, our market imports from ALL around the world, every nation has set up shop here hoping to bring you the shiniest gun or the most sophisticated rocket launcher, Enjoy!

5. So in the end mighty and fierce warriors this Homeland Falcon would like to thank you for being here where history is being made and figting by our side be it for the fun of it, the high moral fiber or the honor of being served by such a great Alliance of Nations my friends I salute you !

And should you feel in doubt about what we do here and why we do it I have but one question:



P.S. : the general direction of war seems to be at the moment against Indonesia, thanks !

Active battles:

Dnipro - low priority (defender/green)
Balochistan - High Priority