[Gov]September Budget Summary

Day 688, 03:37 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

Another month, another Prime Minister term, another summary. Welcome to the August-September Summary. Firstly, the Department of Finance would like to apologise for the absence of last term’s (July-August) Summary. Son of Rambo seemed to have gone after RL commitments and didn’t seem to produce one.
This term’s summary will be separated like the last report, Income, Expense, Citizen/Demograph Report and Details. Lets begin..
After the previous term’s theft of funds, I did a full audit of all accounts and began the term with $62,333.31AUD / 436.70Gold and we ended with $52,446.52AUD / 899.5Gold (After the proposed print). This is a huge leap forward this term’s Department of Finance with a 205% growth in gold. Not to the finer details and figures:

Government Income
Tax Revenue:
September 7th – September 12th = $9,959.60AUD and 9.29Gold
September 13th – September 19th = $15,297.49AUD and 12.00Gold
September 20th – September 26th = $15,305.15AUD and 6.75Gold
September 27th – October 3rd = $15,625.41AUD and 10.18Gold
October 4th – October 5th = $3,707.05AUD and 0 Gold
TOTAL TAX REVENUE = $56,187.65 AUD and 70.01Gold

Monetary Market Trading:
September 7th – September 12th = 330.60Gold
September 13th – September 19th = 128.41Gold
September 20th – September 26th = 59.15Gold
September 27th – October 3rd = 169.78Gold
October 4th – October 5th = 3.75Gold

Donations/Miscellaneous Income:
Donations: 14.46CLP, 1USD, 80.80AUD 15.11Gold (All from various organisations and citizens)
PP Housing Project: 669Gold
AUD Print: 180,000AUD
Return of Gold from Japan’s EO: 80Gold
TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME = 14.46CLP, 1USD, $ 180,080.80AUD 748.11Gold

GRAND TOTAL INCOME THIS TERM = 14.46CLP, 1USD, $ 236,268.45AUD 1509.81Gold

Government Expenses:
Department of Industry Spending:
-Running of Companies inside Centrelink = $12,000AUD

Department of Cultural Service Spending:
-$700AUD for Gifts
-$1,300AUD for DoCS activities
However none of these projects were carried out. The $2000AUD was sent to the Reserve Bank where it was stored as gold.

Department of Defence Spending:
DoD Companies: $56,500AUD
-Q1 Weapons run for Military: $40,000AUD
-Boot Camp Program: $2000AUD
-Creation of eleven organisations: 55Gold
-Q2 Iron Company Purchase: 34Gold

Other/Miscellaneous Spending:
EO (Executive Order) for Japan’s Resistant War: 136Gold
Sol WarGames: 106Gold
Total Citizen Fees: $7,715AUD
AUD Print: 900Gold
PP Housing $50,200AUD
Monetary Market Trading: $27,667.59

GRAND TOTAL SPENDING THIS TERM = $ 193,082.59 and 1231Gold

New Citizen/Demograph Report:
September 7th – September 12th = 260 New Citizens
September 13th – September 19th = 394 New Citizens
September 20th – September 26th = 388 New Citizens
September 27th – October 3rd = 392 New Citizens
October 4th – October 5th = 109 New Citizens

Increase/Decrease of New Citizens this Month (September) = 258 Citizens More Compared to Month(Previous MoF records show that there were 1,285 new citizens)

Details about his Term, Explanations and Notes:
This term, my Department started with a government scandal of missing gold. This took a day to gather all funds and successfully audit everything. This put the daily National Bank of Australia Audit and Treasury Audit on hold until the 7th. All records as seen above resumed on the 7th September. Income this term was $74,268.45AUD / 1519.81Gold while spending was $145,882.59 / 1231Gold. However, there may be some spending which may have remained unspent which will be rolled into this October term’s spending. Comparing our accounts at the end of the month, we had a 462.8Gold profit, ultimately increasing our accounts government accounts by 205%. This gold will be stored or used for Western Australia and possible military expansion.
This term definitely sets a record for the number of new citizens joining eAustralia. eAustralia received 1,543 new citizens this term which is a 20% increase in new citizens compared to last term’s new citizen count. This is a good sign as it shows we are still growing in population with the same amount of regions. There were no trends this term in new citizens per day with the amount going up and down with difference compared to the days before. This may show that our baby boom has peaked and we are steadying out in the amount of new citizens. We received the most citizens on September 22nd with 73 citizens and the least on September 9th with 33 citizens. However, these new citizens costed the government a total of $7,715AUD in citizen fees. Apart from the cost, the government hopes to see these statistics grow bigger and bigger in the coming months as eAustralia are still lacking citizens.

The Department of Industry requested $15,000AUD to run its Centrelink companies this term and this was given to them. However, only $12,000AUD was used in total, with plans for the extra $3,000AUD rolled into next term’s budget.

The Department of Cultural Services was given $2,000AUD to run its gifting and competitions as asked in the Budget. However, Cultural Services hosted the Boot Camp program for the Department of Defence and none of its funds were utilised. This resulted in no spending and the $2,000AUD was donated back to the Reserve Bank where it was converted to gold.

The Department of Defence spent a total of 98,500AUD and 89Gold this term. Breaking this spending down, $56,500AUD was used in the running of its companies. This amount was more than all previous terms as it has to run a Q1 Moving Tickets Company, a Q1 Weapons Stockpile Company, a Q3 Weapons Stockpile Company, a Q5 Weapons Stockpile Company and a Q2 Iron Company which supplies the DoD. The Military's daily weapons run costed$40,000AUD in total and supplied them with fresh Q1 weapons during WarGames. Each military personnel would receive free Q1 weapons. This was bought from the MarketPlace. $2,000AUD was assigned to the BootCamp, http://forum.auserepublik.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1258&start=0, program which has been very successful, giving eAustralia new sprouting soldiers each term. Under the [Military Structure & Logistics Act (05/09),http://forum.auserepublik.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=2547, eleven organisations are to be made inside the Department of Defence to increase communications. This costed 55Gold and will hopefully boost our military performance in the future. Finally, the Q2 Iron GFC Procurement Act, http://forum.auserepublik.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=2795, was proposed and passed this term, which opened a new GFC for the government. This Iron Company was bought from the market at 34gold and will prevent the government from unbalancing the iron market while pushing the cost of stockpile to an even lower cost.

A total of 200Gold was given to the Defence Department after an EO by former Prime Minister, scotywest(stewstoyc). This was to dispatch our military to aid our small Sol ally, eJapan, from a small military group known as the Theocrats. This EO prompted me to quickly donate it to the DoD so they may start “tanking” and moving to eJapan to aid them. This aid played a major part of our alliance in Sol and was quite successful, driving the Theocrats back to eKorea. A small brief/summary can be found here. This costed a total of 136Gold. Also, our local alliance, Sol, offered our country cheap War Games which we participated in for most days of the month. These WarGames were experienced by most eAustralians and definitely worth its value. This costed 106Gold in total. With the absence of Son of Rambo this term, srg91 was chosen by him to run the PP-Housing Project. A total of $50,200AUD was given to PP Housing to the operations of the company. After making 24 houses and selling them, it returned 669Gold to the government which is at a profit of 418Gold.

Our economy has been very stable and steady for most of the term. In our Monetary Market, the demand of our AUD has been very high. The government trades AUD to Gold at its benchmarks of:


1AUD = 0.025GOLD

This leads to a very successful term in Monetary Market Trading especially my first few weeks. Ultimately, we traded $27,667.59AUD for 691.69Gold on the AUD Wall which is a great result as the government trades at a high profit after its AUD prints. We had 3 AUD Prints this term, printing a total of $180,000AUD to sustain spending, AUD inflation, Monetary Market Trading and NBA float. This costed us 900Gold in total.

The issue of taxes has been a strong topic. Just to confirm any misunderstanding from the public, ALL income taxes are being raised except Hospital and Defence System companies. This is from 10% to 15%. I understand this is a big leap, but they have not been changed for 9 months and this was the decision after being reviewed. An explanation can be found here. Please do not be discouraged about these taxes, as they will be definitely reviewed after 2 months as stated in the proposal.

This ends another term government term and another Finance Report. I, Vorodor, had a wonderful time serving this term as Minister of Finance or Treasurer and will be looking forward to serve another term under the administration of patti11. If there are any questions and queries about this report or the government, please message me. I should be available on a daily basis. I will also be on the eAustralian forums and IRC, #ausrep.

Thank You.
Minister of Finance. (Treasurer)