[Ethel for CP] A Path Forward

Day 3,667, 04:09 Published in Ireland Turkey by Ethel Rosenberg


Tomorrow you will vote for your next CP and if you have played this game for any length of time, then you know how much things have changed and how much things have not changed. Or maybe not… Ireland is now wiped, which is, quite frankly, a shitty spot to be in. But, I know that being wiped will not last forever but, it sucks in the short term and getting Ireland back on the map will be my first priority.

You have heard my opponent talk about alliances, but I am not sure that is the way to go for Ireland. Being in an alliance does not mean what it used to, sadly. In today’s game, I think it is much smarter for Ireland to work closely with countries with common goals and coordinate with them to achieve our mutual goals. I consider this to be a much smarter path forward for Ireland. I will work closely with the MoFA team to bring results to Ireland, and what I mean is a free and unoccupied Ireland.

You have also heard my opponent talk about one State MU. Well, again, I would like to talk to you about what I think is a better option and one more likely to be successful – coordination between all Irish MU’s. I think this makes the most sense, rather than forcing everyone into one MU. The key is coordination in battles, even with the small number of players we have as a nation, with coordination we can make an impact where we fight. So, look for my MoD team to bring clear coordination and some fun with national strikes in battles. The key for us is to maximize the impact our active players have!

In the end, who you choose tomorrow when you vote is your decision. But, I would ask you to consider each candidate’s activity here. I cannot speak for my opponent, but only for myself – I have faithfully played this game every day for the last 2470 days. I came back to Ireland because some of the best times I have had in this game happened here and it was the right thing to do. If you elect me your CP tomorrow, I promise to work my hardest for all of you over the next month. So, please, vote for me, and let’s work together to free Ireland! And, perhaps, have a little fun while we are doing it!

Hail Ireland!

Ethel for CP
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