[eHR-MVP] Izvještaj eHR Veleposlanika pri Turskoj

Day 2,833, 10:47 Published in Croatia Greece by Croatian Foreign Office

eTurska pod okupacijom eSrbije


eTurska sa današnjim danom (dan 2833.) ima 3486 egrađanina.


eTurska trenutno nema regija pod svojom kontrolom.

Profit eTurske se kreće od 1100 do 1700cc.

Trenutna situacija sa državnim resursima:


Na vlasti je diktator Resolute

Predsjednik wade.46

eTurski kongres - eTurska trenutno nema kongres

Aktivni MPP-ovi

Intervju sa tadašnjim diktatorom eTurske: Onurex is Back

1. Until a few months ago, Turkey was a powerful state, what went wrong?

Wrong governments and fights put us in a seperated situation.

2. Do you think that your allies did not respected agreements?

Some of them,i dont want to name them.

3. What are your next steps?

We are almost ready.Just waiting for the determination levels.

4. Are there a “political scene split” within the Turks?

Yes,unfortunately. But we will solve this one.

5. What are you currently doing as dictator?

Almost nothing. I've work a lot about 1 month and make all the agreements,plans are ready. Now, we have to be patient and wait.

6. Does the Turks need something in particular from their allies?

Yes, we have to ask something from someone, but not all of them. We just need their help and motivation.

7. When can we expect a great Turkish uprising against the occupier?

About 2 weeks, I hope.

8. What is your message to your allies in eCroatia and worldwide?

I'm always saying, dark days helps you to notice your true friends and enemies. We just hope we have true friends.

Ukratko, eTurska još uvijek nema prirodnog neprijatelja, dakle još ćemo pričekati na ustanak protiv eSrbije. Čeka se determinacija, pa budimo spremni pomoći kada za to bude vrijeme. Ipak, naglašavam, eHrvatska sa eTurskom nema aktivan MPP, barem ne službeno. Prateći situaciju u eTurskoj, stekao sam dojam da tadašnju vlast i nije pretjerano brinulo što se događa sa državom koja tone. Čekamo potez novog diktatora...

eHR Veleposlanik pri eTurskoj


eHR PR Manager, pomoćnik Ministra Vanjskih poslova
