(Dis)respected citizens of eRepublik, we have our rights!

Day 2,619, 06:19 Published in Romania Romania by The.JOKER.

Most of the players in this game are persons that have had their role in the new world for several years already. Many of us encountered many changes in the game, pleasant or not, for the players. The sad part is that everything that was implemented in this game (and not only recently), all the changes that supposedly would enrich the experience of being part of eRepublik, were only selfish acts which did not put in regard the needs of the community, did not take in account the many initiated petitions for a change, and moreover, just degraded the players even more, not respecting their wishes, desires and their kind, respectful demands for improving the game.

This game is the community! Without the community, us, nothing here would exist. And it is finally time for the administrators to understand this fact. Nothing ties us here, specially since this game became a place in which we are all disrespected, our wishes are not heard, and finally, we are all puppets to stubborn puppet masters that implement changes that only bring them profit. I feel deep condolences because this game possessed a lot of potential which unfortunately, was never exploited by its creators.

If we put aside all the previous game changes, and we focus only on the newest ones, there are still many things to be said and a lot of critics to be made.
Today we were again victims of manipulation by the administrators, who did not inform the players for the latest changes. Why? Are we not part of this game, are we not the ones that play? Should a person live in darkness? They have the key to make this game enjoyable for its players, and instead of the efforts that the community deserves because of its faithfulness and hope, in exchange we only get disappointment, and we lose our hope a bit more every day.

Few days ago, we were introduced to the implementation of the new ranks – the legends. Objectively, we should understand the privileges that were given to the gold buyers with this change, but we should never forget about the majority in this game, the players that do not fill the pockets of the puppet masters. The second group of players is completely degraded with each new change that is implemented.
How does one player gets the right to write his name in a history of an e-country, only because he has the highest rank, fully disregarding what the certain player did for the specific country? With the rules that the administrators introduced, they took away all the hope of the fighters that are really trying to reach the legend ranks and fought for many many years, faithfully stayed and fought for their countries until their last. For what purpose? So that now, someone even very slightly stronger can come and write his name proudly in the country forever? A name that stays and a name that people will wear must be deserved with effort and decency! If we must accept the change imposed to us, that itself it lacks logic and it is unfair towards the citizens, at least make sure that the honored players will be worthy and will deserve the honor!

Moreover, a player can even disgrace a whole nation with this new rule.
Зарем не е можно грчки играч кој штотуку треба да стане легенда, да земе еМакедонско државјанство, да го смени никот во “Македонија е Грција”, или “ФИРОМ” и да го запише својот деградирачки ник во еМакедонија, а знаеме дека после тоа администраторите нема да превземат ништо да ја поправат штетата?

I propose that perhaps there can be a rule that would impose a player that wants to reach the legend rank in a country that he just changed citizenship in, should have a specific citizenship from his chosen country more than few weeks before reaching the legend rank, or certain True Patriot damage to be needed for the chosen country, or certain number of CH medals to be required. With this, the players that would really want that their name to be put in countries they never fought for, will need to try and at least make some efforts to deserve their place among the citizens!

All of us are part of the community and first of all, we are persons with real feelings. The administrators are no greater than each one of us that plays this game, gold buyer or not.
Everyone has same rights and all of us deserve to have our rights, to have our demands taken in account, for once! This is and was always a game, and people playing do not deserve to be treated with lack of respect! Without the community this game would not exist!

Writen by: Princess Emily