[CP] Update - Day - 1,233

Day 1,233, 16:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean MacDiarmata

Ladies and Gentlemen of Ireland,

First of all let me begin by thanking you for electing me as your country president for the coming month. It's no secret that the weeks ahead are going to be challenging but I know that we can pull together as a nation and a government to get through them.

Before I explain a little more about my immediate plans I first want to thank my fellow candidates, Bassy and Ian E Coleman for a clean-run race and a fair competition. I would in particular like to thank Jacques Cousteau who as you will have seen came very close to winning the election. He's a good man with a real dedication to the country and I look forward to working with him now that he has agreed to join my cabinet as Minister of Immigration and, as with the others, there’s no denying he ran a clean campaign.

As you will have seen I announced my cabinet prior to the election and my VP is in the process of organising our first cabinet meeting even as I write this. I am confident that this team is the best possible team to lead us through the trials and tribulations ahead and to ensure that, though things are going to be rough, there will also be plenty of fun and craic to be had during my term.

I have sorted organisations for all ministers bar one which needs to be returned by admin due to having been lost a few months back. All ministers know what their role entails due to them being very experienced. I have been working hard from the off and noticed we had some funds and companies lying about and I have advised the Dail about this and have asked what they believe we should do with them.

Contacts have been made with allies abroad, in EDEN and other nations. I will be working hard to secure Ireland's sovereignty and I advise all reading this that I will do whatever is needed to ensure this. The citizens of Ireland should never have to worry about our security but with this changing world and in this global climate we all need to be alert to the changes.

I as president will continue as I have always done to work tirelessly for our nation. I want to say to all citizens, we all work to build a strong Ireland and I want every one to know that I'm always available if they have any suggestions or ideas. We all try hard for this country and nobody should have concerns about raising anything with my government.

Marcus Suridius
eIreland President