[CP] Congress

Day 2,010, 18:24 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Greetings to my fellow Australians and welcome to another update from your government, one long over due.


As many of you know, we recently did a deal with New Zealand that would make it so our MU's had a better chance in the world wide competition and the same for NZ, with the 10% NE bonus as well as just some battles to participate in. Most people don't understand this, but our relationship with NZ is not as bad as people think, the battles that do happen are coordinate, and that's why we do purposely lose some of them, and you can expect some nice peace with them for the rest of the term as we've both agreed to such.

We cut it a bit closer then we would've liked, but we got back Tasmania yesterday in an RW and we have secured our 10 congress seats for the first round of qualifications, tonight at 2am, and should keep them throughout the election, so good luck to anyone planning to run and I hope you all get a shot.


We've had some great NaN victories this month from bringing in some new HQ people, to freeing Malaysia from Montenegro, assisting to remove Indonesia from SA (More of last month, but great never the less) and assisting in the removal of Macedonia from Iran. The NaN is progressing wonderfully and I look forward to a strong future.

Cheers to new full alliance member Malaysia, and soon to be full members in about 24 hours, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. You can also look forward to a new member this month, who has expressed lots of interest and tells us they'll be applying very soon, Iran, a great ally of ours who recently achieved a wonderful victory in their home nation.


We should have some new MPPs coming at you soon, we've been looking into some more Pro-TWO MPP's, people interested in NaN, and just neutral nations in General, so we should be filling to our quota of seven before the end of the month for sure with some great new friends.

Keep looking for those 🙂

Elections for CP

First of all, I'd like to once again thank the wonderful community of Australia for two fabulous terms, and while it's not over yet, the CP election cycle has begun and I wish all candidates the best of luck. You're all completely insane, as I've learned from anyone who seeks a CP job, but I think no matter who wins, we'll see a great new government next month who can continue to work being laid down today. A wonderful round of applause for all the candidates and I look forward to, unlike last month, a competitive election!

That's all for our update right now, but I should publish again in a few days with more. Thanks to everyone for being such a great nation, and we'll be working all the way to the end of the term for you guys.

-Irule777, President of Australia