[Clan Wolf] Are you bored? We are'nt.. Join us!

Day 2,652, 09:13 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

I am going to post a pretty crazy article that may cause some people to break out into depression as they realize they are bored and in a boring party.

On our CP

IBB is doing a good job and I have no complaints at this time. he is putting a lot of effort into his role and his delegation of people and resources are top notch. Good work so far!

On the state of the country

lol.. Well.. Its slowly getting better.. At least there is activity for now. How long this keeps up before things slow back down is the real question.

Why you should join Clan Wolf

Well first of all.. We have one of the oldest and one of the best MU's in the country. NW supports and funds its members. Want in? Better be wearing the wolf logo 😉 (Or cuddle in really nice and close to Foxfire)

The other thing to note is we are a party of action. When things get slightly boring we make our own entertainment for ourselves and our members. We do not site idle and let things go to disarray.

So come join us and actually start to remember what makes this game fun.

It is not the clicking "fight" button for 3 minutes each day.
It is not the clicking "work" button for 1 second each day.
It is not the mail chain of 40 people blabbing about nothing lagging down your page.

It is the articles, The drama and the personalities that really make this game tolerable.

In Clan Wolf we bring the drama, We bring the personalities and we bring the articles.

Week to week you never know who will come into the chat and start crap. Month after month we are at war wondering what is going to happen the next election.

We are a smaller party but we are incredibly active and there is always something going on in our little part of the eWorld.

Come on in. Its time to stop sitting on the sidelines of the game. Hop into the battle and become someone.

Clan Wolf is sharpening its teeth and we will no longer accept being a victim. Time to turn the tables.

Note for our good friends in the CPF

Good to see you guys FINALLY starting to stand up for yourselves.
I was extremely concerned that your party was going to whimper into the long dark night without a single howl.

Now step things up and take back what is yours.

Remember this advice from Clan Wolf.

Winter has come and there is a blizzard on the horizon...

The man....
The legend..
The one you pray to at night..
The one you wish you were...
The mountain of molten lust...
Gods gift to all of humanity...
I'm the humblest person on Earth, I'm so humble that I make the Dalai lama look like Kanye West by comparison.
Utter and complete perfection wrapped up in the most lusted after human to ever be gifted to this planet..


To join our great party please click the Wolf picture bellow and become part of us!


Thank you for taking the time to read my article.