[Artela] What is Your Political Compass?

Day 2,652, 12:39 Published in USA United Kingdom by Artela

We’ve been having a little bit of fun in the SFP forums this week taking that old favorite, the Political Compass Test. It’s fascinating to see where we all lie on the grid and see what historical political leaders we are supposedly most like.

What revolutionary girl doesn't aspire to look that good in revolutionary red, eh?

I thought “Why keep this fun to ourselves” and so I bring it to you, the wider audience. If you feel like giving it a go you can find it at The Political Compass Test.

If you feel so inclined you can always post your scores in the comments here. And if you find yourself left of the line (especially bottom left quadrant) and you aren’t already in our party… well, maybe you really should give us a try?

All the best

Grand Duchess and Proud eAmerican
Honorary Princess and Goddess of War to the eAlbanians

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