[ARP] ARP, Senates & CP candidates

Day 2,558, 05:32 Published in Australia Australia by Uday Jordan

Western Australia, Australia, Day 2558 eRepublik

Hail Australian Revolutionary Party !
Hail eLife !


Thank you very much for choosing me as Australian Revolutionary Party President (ARP) for November 16th to December 15th, 2014 period. It is my honour to take this job. Again.

Lets run for congressmen for ARP member.

[CP Candidates]
We can see at the CP election wall, that we have candidates for our CP for next month. Lets we check it out 😃

There are 2 candidates whos already run until now, day 2558 eRepublik.

[ARP Political Attitudes]
From 2 CP candidates, maybe we already know the both and know how they ability.

ARP will dicide whos the one to be candidates from ARP soon.

Best regards,

Ze Kraus