[AMP] The Way Forward

Day 1,639, 13:08 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

Let’s start off with the obvious:
I’m an idiot

For those that didn’t notice, I was absent from the in game ballot for Party President. Luckily, Haliman was on the ballot, as he always is and was able to make sure we weren’t PTO’d.
There’s no excuse for this, and I have none. I simply forgot to declare ingame. This will be the last time it happens, of that much I can promise you.

So where does this leave us?
The constitution is somewhat vague on this issue, seeing as it was never specifically addressed. But Haliman and I have had a lengthy discussion about it, and agreed that he will tend to the two in game functions, while I will run everything else about the party.

These are certainly not the circumstances that I wanted to be elected under and I am embarrassed that this almost left the party in very dangerous waters. But this has only caused me to redouble my efforts to prove to you, dear AMPer, that electing me was not a mistake; despite how much I derped.

It was but one mistake, and it won’t happen again.

I hope that you can forgive me, and we can move past this together.

Now on to business.

We are coming off a month of historic achievements, and mediocre results. For the first time in our history, our Party President Primary had over 100 votes. This is a massive accomplishment, and I challenge any party to hold a candle to us.
They simply can’t.

The USWP can’t boast numbers like that. Because you know.... Zombies don’t vote. They feed.

Our party is as robust as it ever has been, and I plan on continuing this trend.

But, these numbers are not without a downside. During the Party President Primary, we had a handful of votes discounted, due to the voter not being ‘AMP’ in game. This is disgraceful to me, and doesn’t jive with the open and inclusive party that I want to lead.
The fact is, we have many people that hold foreign citizenship because they are running communes. That should not mean that they can’t take part in our party. This is the first issue that I am placing the AMP Legal Director (Dravik Rixx) in charge of, and I hope to have a resolution within the week.

One of my goals this month, is to revitalize the letter ‘M’ in our name. We have grown strong, and our national influence has reached historic levels, but I feel that along the way, we forgot a little bit about what we stood for.
We are a party that supports all military units and members, and I hope that our Congressmen, both current and future, remember that. No MU is too small, because every drop of damage matters.

With this in mind, you can expect to see a greater focus on military themes, and perhaps even a friendly competition between the MUs. We need to get back to our roots, just a little bit, and this is one way that I think we can be successful.

Congressional Elections are coming up in less than 10 days; and as always we are in need of reliable blockers!! If you consider yourself to be reliable, then fill out this form and sign up today! This is a great way to get involved in the party and to get your name out there.

For those that don’t know what a blocker is, or what it means to block, let me provide a brief synopsis.
All of the top Five Parties (In America that means the USWP, AMP, Feds, iNCi and USMJ) must place a congressional candidate in every region. In order to prevent enemies from getting into Congress and wrecking havoc, parties employ blockers. These are people that agree to run for Congress with the understanding that they will not campaign and they will not win. But blocking the spot that an enemy might take, they are doing the party and the nation a great service.

I think this is going to be an excellent month for us. In fact, I know it will be. If you ever want to send me a PM to discuss something, my inbox is always open.

But just remember;
We are the AMP
And we take no prisoners

✯ ✯ ✯Feel the AMPs✯ ✯ ✯