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The Official Voice of eHungary.
You may contact us at #hu.mofa on Rizon.
Here's a direct link to our official MoFA channel:

[VoEH] A game we love to play - ENG/HUN

246 Nap 4,867, 13:00 Megjelenés helye: Hungary Hungary Kezdeti lépések Kezdeti lépések

[url=https://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/több »

[VoEH] Message to the eWorld

72 Nap 4,494, 11:26 Megjelenés helye: Hungary Hungary Hadügyi elemzések Hadügyi elemzések

[url=https:// … több »

About the last couple of weeks

27 Nap 4,391, 10:25 Megjelenés helye: Hungary Hungary Hadügyi elemzések Hadügyi elemzések

[url=https:// … több »

[VoeH] We are back

144 Nap 4,372, 11:00 Megjelenés helye: Hungary Hungary Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

Dear Friends and Allies,

As you all know, the society of eHungary went through a difficult time in the last 8 months. I think most of you are aware of the separate stages of that 'turmoil' but it seems we are heading out of the hole that we dug

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64 Nap 4,217, 13:42 Megjelenés helye: Hungary Hungary Hadügyi parancsok Hadügyi parancsok

Hello eWorld,

after the last elections finally the 2 year long governemnt (with short interruptions) of some people were overthrown and the "Repülősök Pártja" (Airmen's Party) nominated Vidi555 as president who won the presidental elections with

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