Words for my fellows and enemies

Day 2,297, 09:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by micutzu

Hello everyone,

I found that some people had voted me!

It's a big surprize and I'm so fcking proud! Why? Because it's very simple, I'd like to keep it simple! I want and offer transparency and honostety! Yes, you could see that it's so few votes, but it's more than I expected. I want to lose to be better! I find where I was wrong, so more chances to win next time.

I didn't have the necessary time to build a strong team, but don't worry. My plans includes at least one member from each party: first will be the political parties in opposition, then the parties on the same side and then (and not the last) the small party. I want to include all party as much it's possible, because it's a foolishness to be a CP without asking the support of everyone.

And yes, I said everyone included those who didn't vote for me.

But on the same time, I feel a great bad discharge! Our last former CP, Don Croata, showed lack of respect (again). And the bad feeling comes from the inability to understand why people elected him.
Please consult the commentaries from http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/bhane-v-seanan-about-oj-2380140/1/20#comments .

Does someone remember the ICA tirany? Ok, no problem, ask the elders! Now the history repeats itself. Who is CroOmega?

Wake up mates! It's your country!
