Why is Russia fighting against her allies??

Day 814, 13:16 Published in Russia Cuba by Scoundrel

As you maybe know, swiss region Graubunden is fighting for the resistance against Italy.
Now, it's necessary to explain something: Italy is an antiimperialist country, have you understood?Antiimperialist!
Personally, I'm antiimperialist too, because I'm Communist.

But Switzerland has been infamous with Italy, because has helped Spain to invade Italy, in fact Swiss country allowed Spain to conquer Graubunden, that borders with Italy, in order to invade Italian country. But, lucky for we Italians, we defended our regions and we conquered Graubunden from Spain.
Yes,Graubunden was a spanish region and we conquered it.
Now,I think I've explained very well how much Switzerland has been incorrect with us Italians, so, even if we are antiimperialist, we think that swiss people don't deserve Graubunden, because of his infamy.

Then,I've seen many Russians fighting against Italy, even if we are allies and even if Switzerland and Spain tried to screw us.

Why this?