Why is now a good time to stop playing?

Day 3,055, 07:17 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Stevearino

For a long time many have argued that erepublik is in terminal decline and an ever dwindling player base shows that something is fundamentally wrong.

Many of us cling on in the hope that things will change, that there will be improvements to the game, something to give us a little hope that there is still a reason to log in each day and spend many hours playing.

For me personally there has been the belief that in time through effort or attrition we could still achieve something or that if we wait long enough the people running it must inevitably conclude they need to do something positive while there are still players left.

Sadly today it has become clear that not only do the people running erepublik not care about their community, they are still actively trying to destroy it.

Just look at this fiasco - http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/latest-updates/0/261

What's perhaps equally as worrying as the people running the game thinking this is funny is the fact that so few people who play the game seem to care! I bet if the latest Xbox game had been corrupted and someone's effort in a game over months was wiped 'for a laugh' they would soon complain.

So today marks for me the time to call it quits - I just cannot see why I should spend my time, effort and money when the people running erepublik think it's a joke.

Good luck to those that remain - it seems you are going to need it.

P.S. There are apparently battles now continuing past when they are supposed to have finished - unbelievable!