WHPR Day 3121: Pacifica; Latvia-Lithuania; DoD Competition & more!

Day 3,128, 12:23 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

WHPR Day 3121- Pacifica; Latvia-Lithuania; DoD Competition & more!

Dateline: Monday, June 6, 2016 (Day 3121)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

In Today's WHPR: 
: 1 : Pacifica: Then to Now
: 2 : Explaining Latvia-Lithuania Relations
: 3 : DoD Battle Competition
: 4 : Press Briefings Newspaper
: 5 : US Moves to Embargo Canada
: 6 : OMFG Help Wanted
: Video : a Weird Al Yankovic Parody 

Editor’s Notes: there's a fresh Press Briefing out today, too.

Pacifica: Then to Now
by Former President Tyler Bubblar

With the close of the Resource Wars, and big changes imminent it often seems that most of the eWorld is holding its collective breath. Often we think of eRepublik as stagnant and unchanging. However, when you look at things as a whole with the added distance of time and the clarity of hindsight it becomes very obvious things do change in this game. Pacifica is a strong example of this. Our alliance has undergone sweeping changes in the last several months.

Pacifica was officially born June 20th 2014 during Molly Emma’s second term as Country President. During her first term the eUSA was ejected from SIRIUS for her refusal to allow our nation to become Argentine cannon fodder for the relief of Spain. Much was said about that ejection at the time, but I think once again with the benefit of hindsight and time Molly standing up for the interests of the eUSA, and the subsequent painstaking work of then MoFA Wild Owl to carve out a new home for the eUSA has stood up well.

Pacifica started with just two members: the eUSA and our Russian allies. This was the in game formalizing of the 2012 Bear and Eagle engagement. The eUSA and Russia stood shoulder to shoulder and declared to the rest of the eWorld that our two nations would defend each other in brotherhood. Gradually Pacifica began to expand, a month after the formation of Pacifica Latvia was welcomed to the fold. Latvia was followed over the course of the next year by RoC (Taiwan), Finland, and Colombia. For the next year Pacifica was not the most powerful of Alliances, but each member nation knew that their alliance would support and protect them.

A few months ago beginning in March Pacifica once again began to expand. Sweden was welcomed to Pacifica. Then in April there was a massive influx of power into Pacifica. Greece, Hungary, Poland, Argentina, and Brazil all in less than 3 weeks were admitted into our Alliance. However with swift growth comes challenges. Growing pains if you will. Ultimately Argentina, Greece, and Brazil did not stay in Pacifica, but with the addition of Poland and Hungary Pacifica has emerged as an Alliance to be reckoned with. Ongoing discussions and a few changes in Alliance structure have allowed the aforementioned growing pains to ease.

From an in game standpoint things have been quiet for the last two months that is largely due to the time and attention paid to the preparation and execution of the now ended Resource Wars. Other than a war between Latvia and Lithuania we continue to be within a tranquil period of time. We don’t yet know what Plato will be putting in place and that uncertainty has led to a temporary pause in most of the vendettas that are normally very much part of eRepublik diplomacy and waging of war. For now we like so many others watch and wait. Rest assured however, that we will have the benefit of a Strong Alliance at our back to help us succeed in the coming new eWorld.

Explaining Latvia-Lithuania Relations
by Latvian MoFA Skazis

One of the hottest topics for the past almost a week now has been the Latvian-Lithuanian war. Since Latvia is member of Pacifica while Lithuania is member of Orion, and both alliances generally share MPPs with each other and Asteria, it`s quite obvious that there are some tensions because of this as well as pressure to stop this war as soon as possible.

It's not surprising that the general conception from most countries is that Latvia out of nowhere attacked it`s ally. Lithuanian government also tries to play this card that “we like Latvia”, “we have good relationships with them” etc. Outsiders who are not familiar with the situation mostly look through the “Baltics/former ABC = friends” point of view, which, at the moment, couldn't be further from the truth.

For more than two years our relationships has been a bumpy road, to say the least. There has been more downs than ups, and there has been more bad than positive. To try to make sense of this for all of the outsiders who are not familiar with LV-LT relationships, I`ve decided to tell the tales of Latvian and Lithuanian relationships dating back from early 2014 up until now. Grab some popcorn, prepare some coffee, have a smoke before you start to read it, because this article is a long one.

Read the full article, Explaining the Latvian-Lithuanian relationships, by Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Skaziz.

America has strong ties to Latvia, and we must be sure to support to our brothers in Latvia and other Pacifica allies.

Dept of Defense Battle Competition
by Kalos Hoenn

Starting Monday, the DoD's Battle Competitions (DBCs) have begun!! So here's the low-down.
To enter you must receive 10 - yes ten - BH Medals throughout the week, fighting in Priority Battles. You must screenshot every BH Medal that you win. Once entered you'll receive a number - remember that number - keep that number dear to you as if it were actually important... then say to everyone when asked. The number will then be used on #Defense during a live Wheel of Fortune giveaway at the end of the week (Friday)!
This will be done for each division! One lucky person from each division will receive 5k cc with 5 Gold to help them kickstart for the new Airplanes that are coming our way! (money does not have to be spent on airplanes). So Come on IRC and join the Channel #Defense for the battles of the century! This is a battle to the top - and only 1 from each Division will win! Will it be you?

Press Briefings Newspaper
by OMFG Staff

The President of the United States, Chief of Staff and Cabinet members, including Department Secretaries, Deputies and Advisors, meet daily in a secure thread called Presidential Daily Briefings.
Press Secretary Aramec presents an insider's view of the PDBs, in his own inimitable style, in these (almost daily) Press Briefings, now being published in game as well as being available in the Executive Branch forum.

US Moves to Embargo Canada
by OMFG Staff

As reported in last Thursday's Speaker's Word, the US will not be declaring military War on Canada. However, this week, Congress appears united in supporting Economic War on our snow sucking neighbors to the north.

Without access to the US market for our powerful Abrams Q7 Tanks, Canada will have to suffice with... what is that thing, anyways? Prime Minister Justin Bieber assures citizens he'll be hand building them all, himself.

Prince Edward Island welcomes their Romanian overlords with a parade.

Join the Official Media Filing Group
by OMFG Staff
There's still room for you on the OMFG's all-star rock star staff! 
We now publish four official government newspapers every week-- the WHPR (Monday and Friday), USAF Newsletter (Wednesday), Speaker's Word (Thursday), and the Daily Briefings (almost daily)-- plus helping with the weekly live eNPR radio program and new videos. It's hard work, it's pretty exciting, and it's a great way to gain visibility within the community.

If you can spell your way out of a wet paper bag, and string together two coherent sentences, becoming an OMFG Staff writer may be just the job for you! Drop us a line and we'll have a look at your work, and let's get your journalism career off to a damn good start!  

WHPR Day 3128
Pacifica; Latvia-Lithuania; DoD Competition & more!

