Where's Tayto (Part 2) - Shannon Airport

Day 2,372, 11:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Mr. Tayto

Last time out, I escaped Cork City Gaol and shortly afterwards I boarded a Ryanair flight to Shannon. I landed safely last night and I've been suitably informed that my suitcase (packed with Taytos of course) will be forwarded to me within the next two weeks. Thank you Ryanair!

So in this edition of "Where's Tayto?", we will explore the eRepublik region of Shannon and its capital Limerick City (the European City of Culture 2014).

Sporting Achievments:
There's only one sport in Limerick City and thats rugby. There's Shannon Rugby FC, and a small Rugby team that have won the Heineken Cup twice and they once beat some lads in black jerseys from New Zealand.

I was at a recent match in Thomand Park, can you find me:

Linguistic Facts:
The weather in Limerick comes in 3 forms; cold, wet and very wet. Sometimes you can even get a combination of the three. If its cold, the locals like to claim that its "Baltic", which just goes to prove how bad they are at Geography.

The local cuisine is second to none, with the dish of choice called "Hang Sangwiches", which is an interesting combination of bread and ham.

The Anthems:
Limerick You're a Lady...
A song which clearly outlines why Limerick is a bit girlie.

I've a horse ourside...
This song really captures what it is to be from Limerick.

Low lie the fields of Athenry
My own personal favourite song from this eRepublik region.

Landmark to See:
Lots to see in Shannon but the most remarkable thing is that it has an airport. Besides the odd Ryanair flight, most of the flights that land here are American Air Force, which goes down a treat with the locals.

See if you can find me hanging out at Shannon Airport:

Join me next week, when I get the bus to Mayo!