What to Buy, America! Day 1,280

Day 1,280, 13:34 Published in USA Switzerland by Kishvier

Hello everyone, I just got my citizenship accepted earlier today, and what better way to celebrate this than an economics article? :{P

So here is my breakdown of the American economy as of 13:00 Server time on Day 1,280:

Food Costs:
Q1- 0.74 USD | 0.3700 USD/Health
Q2- 1.27 USD | 0.3175 USD/Health
Q3- 1.71 USD | 0.2850 USD/Health
Q4- 1.93 USD | 0.2413 USD/Health
Q5- 3.03 USD | 0.3030 USD/Health

This means that the most efficient quality of food at the moment is Q4 Food, giving you one health for every 0.2413 USD you spend. The worst quality of food to buy is Q1, at a rate of one health for every 0.37 USD you spend. By buying Q4 food over Q1 food, you are being 65% more efficient with your money!

Weapon Costs:
Q1- 6.00 USD | 6.0000 USD/Fight
Q2- 8.60 USD | 4.3000 USD/Fight
Q3- 15.55 USD | 5.1833 USD/Fight
Q4- 17.20 USD | 4.3000 USD/Fight
Q5- 26.25 USD | 5.2500 USD/Fight

Now in this case, the statistics are much less 'cut and dry'. One must take into account the amount of damage these weapons cause, respectively, in order to be able to determine how much more efficient one quality of a weapon is over another. On a purely cost based statistic, the most efficient quality of weapons is a tie between Q2 and Q4 weapons, at 4.3 USD/Fight, but the fact that the Q4 weapon causes more damage makes it more efficient.

I hope that helps everyone, vote and sub, and I'll keep publishing articles to try and make you a more efficient consumer.

A New/Old US Citizen,
