Day 753, 08:16 Published in USA Hungary by Galantai
Dear Friends!

We all know, that the changes in the training section implemented yesterday will cause the end of eRepublik as we have seen it. Yesterday's media articles have made this clear. I do not wish to add anything to this matter.

The question is: what can we do against this?

1) We can (and should!) sign the online petition created for this purpose. But the problem with this is that it may or may not be read by the admins, it is obvious however that it can be easily ignored.

2) Let's harass them a bit, let's make their job a little harder! Let's make it clear, that we are a COMMUNITY, and that we will not tolerate this!

Therefore I suggest (now that the ticket-option is back) for everyone to send FEEDBACK!! Let's make it impossible for them to ignore the outcry of the community, let's make them suffer for their greed! Let's have them read thousands of complaints!! I have included an example, which I have submitted to them. (Also, submit your ticket with CRITICAL urgency!):


This sucks, you can easily see the outrage you caused (ALL top10 articles deal with this topic, the first one being at the moment at 6684 votes -- the largest number I've ever seen), and you can also predict the consequences of what will happen if you go on with your greedy plan.

I suggest you to install ads to make up for the money you need, or anything else, just stop this nonsense!!

95% of eRep citizens will leave the game if you keep this absurd new feature!

All the best,

X Y, a concerned citizen"