We have little damage and wasted FF?

Day 2,633, 16:44 Published in Nigeria United Arab Emirates by vieja29

Hello dear Nigerian! to republish an article, not only to raise awareness of the little damage that we have as a nation of erepublik, because we do not exceed 150 citizens, but that we do not steal us the bh among us! would example, I happened to my in the last battle MRSA SPB made 3M of damage, which appeared in the last few minutes of the battle, had turned the battle, but had an obligation to continue pasting when I from the zero minute did a damage of 6.5 m and reach up to 13M in damage? If the battle already the had won with 3M of damage so that paste 10M more, waste not only damage, and with them for the next FF battle, but steals the medal bh a compatriot in nigeria since it was born nigeria in the game, which has 911,119,496 of damage accumulated by nigeria


top 5 damage