Day 2,645, 09:51 Published in Serbia Serbia by GrinOne

I have to do this article! I was dyeing from laughing! 😃

I was writing the article before this one - it was about Uros Veliki and his bed, and aroud it, activities! He is very confident
in love ventures and when he is telling us about them, an enemy always win in battle against us, coz we can't concentrate on the

button, but our eyes are on the Skype panel, absorbing every word he says....


When I was searching for graphic material I encountered a person, hotter then Uros Veliki! Is that possible?

Yes, it is! Wherever you go, whatever you do or not, if you want an advice or not, if you are in eRep or Ice, even if you sleep it comes, this nightmare in the shape of:

HladenSpricar! This one: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2417760


You can not do anything without him! He is EVERYWERE!!!! I was searching with condition: "Ženske od zadaj" and what did I find? Beautifull pictures of women buns? ....maybe, but surprise surprise! I got him too! 😃


If you you think on something, he is there! And be carefull! I thought, he is a man... but now I am not so shure any more! ....and I do not like bearded women!


P.S.: Cenzurirano by GrinOne še bl k n Kitajskm!

P.P.S.: Nagrada 5 golda za pravilno rešitev je šla Ekfantu! Čestitam!