Treasury Update

Day 554, 06:36 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

This report will not be as long as some of the others.
We have seen a great increase in the amount of taxes paid. This can be attributed to a few things. Firstly, many expats are returning due to war games and more regions being achieved. Secondly, it represents real population growth. More workers increasing in skill and getting paid more.

Population growth
Has grown a lot in the third week although seems to have dropped off a tad over the last few days. This means that we are spending less of our taxes on the citizen fees.

Over the last few days we have seen a great increase in the demand for gold. This could be due to lots of people hitting level 6 and because of the senate gold. It has meant that the NBA offers are selling out much quicker and it also means that the AUD will appreciate (be worth more compared to gold). Once again this will be a baby step.
This has a couple of things to think about. Our real wages are going up. Both in terms of AUD and Gold. However it means it is harder to export. Everything in the economy is a trade off.

Funding Update
In the budget centrelink was to receive 30kAUD a month. Aussie-Vegeta, Timothy Rogers, Ranger-Bob and myself are extremely please that this figure has been more than halved. Funding on companies is around 3000AUD a week and gifts for social services is around 200AUD a week.
However cabinet needs to clear up some legalities about the companies that this budget is funding. WE will get back to you on that.

Currency BenchMarks
1AUD=0.024 gold
1 gold = 42AUD

If you have any issues feel free to post here or PM the National Bank of Australia
