Treasury Report: Week 1 May 09

Day 539, 06:48 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

Let’s see how this goes. I will show the data and my interpretation of said data.

Taxes: $4944.29 For the week. Interestingly more than 20% of that came in on one day. Our population doesn’t work as much on the weekend. There hasn’t been a noticeable increase in taxes since the liberation of QLD, but there has been a noticeable jump in population growth from an average of 18 citizens in the first half of the week to an average of 27 a day in the last 3 days.

This obviously means we are paying more citizen fees, but hopefully also means more workers to fill our companies

In terms of Gold in the treasury it increase by 1 or 2 each day, probably due to GM’s collecting profits or donations.

On to the National Bank of Australia.

Firstly you will notice 3 hefty expeditures in gold, only 2 of which have techniqually been approved. A smaller expenditure is there also.

Let me explain. The first amount was donated to Benp to start the resistance war (151 gold) Then during the war we had to buy up the last 2 companies from eIndonesia - this helped us win the RW on the weekend (160 gold).

The third amount of 55 gold is not really an expenditure. In an attempt to help our treasury, and make things better for all, we have decided to try and use the overseas monetary markets (as any overseas organisation would) to grow our economy. So, we have created the Reserve Bank to keep track of things. So the 5 gold was for the creation of the org, and the 50 gold was the start up. The idea is to make back 10% in the first week to pay off the org creation cost. This is the first and main task of a new apprentice, Srg91. If he makes 10% I will be happy and it will show this to be a very plausible plan. If he achieves 20% it will be amazing. Srg91 has offered to underwrite any loss made in this experiment (a noble gesture) and I have full confidence in his ability.

Finally the 24.55 gold was the fee we had to pay to participate in the war games this week.

Overall we transferred out 391.05 gold this week. (Technically only 341.05) This is not a sustainable figure but the majority of it was once off payments. The net loss therefore was 268.09 gold (or 218.09) This means this week we have made 157.7 gold off the money market, which is enough for our defence budget. This only cost us 5909.37 AUD, so we have effectively made 20k AUD based on the cost of printing money.We got around 20 AUD in taxes from True Blue due to their current export plan for q4 food.

We also forked out the 5k for centrelink and military companies.

Let me explain the discrepancies in selling on the money market. At the start of the week we had a benchmark of 1AUD = 0.022 gold. In this we were not undercut and therefore made plenty of sales. We tried to experiment with a slight increase in the value of the AUD (and therefore our profits) by upping our benchmark to 1 AUD= 0.023 gold. This would also allow private sellers to undercut and profit. They did so and our currency sales dropped off. As a result our current plan of action is to leave a “wall” of currency at 0.023 and put up smaller offers on the benchmark, so that we can profit, but allow private investers to profit also. Whilst leaving a backup offer.

The currency speculation project is still underway. We will report the results in next week’s report.

If you have any ideas on how to increase the treasury that may be viable, PM myself or Ranger or the “National Bank of Australia” and we will have a discussion.
If you want to talk to us, come onto IRC and we will invite you into our office.

Report on the viability of a currency value shift.

This is still underway, however our gold reserves are not yet large enough to do so as it would require buying out large offers that undercut our benchmarks. It is however a great way to increase the relative wealth of our citizens. The tradeoff is less international trade.

International Affairs.

The UK screwed their economy this week by going to war with Atlantis in their war games, cutting off their entire supply. While wargames are bad for the gifts industry, they may have some potential for our diamond companies. We can still export to the uK. However after some legwork from the American secretary of state the whole thing is getting worked out. This is a good thing to remember, although Australia has the potential to be self reliant.

This concludes the weekly report.

signed Tim09