Toon my het geld! / Show me the money!

Day 2,159, 03:28 Published in Netherlands Poland by GEN. DE LA REY

In recent times there has been increased pressure on the government of the Netherland to show the people how much money they have. To date there has been many opinions and excuses, but the people of the Netherlands are still in the dark. Our domestic affairs correspondent Hendrik van Poggenpoel has been monitoring the situation.

Last week the following conversation was heard outside the tower:

We also spotted a prominent political figure sneaking around outside, when approached he shouted “No comment” and ran away quickly.

We then noticed a lot of people around the Department of Domestic Affairs building, we proceeded to interview people and take pictures. Unfortunately the authorities confiscated our equipment so we are unable to share the actual footage with you, so we have requested our cartoonist Surenza Van Deventer to depict the scene.

Earlier this week a contact at Customs and Excise tipped us off regarding a suspicious shipment imported by the government from Canada. She was able to take a photo of one of the 50 machines imported.

We were able to follow the truck that collected the machines from the airport to a rural location outside of town. Hendrik waited till the truck left and then took the following picture through the warehouse window.

The question is does the taxpayer have the right to know how much revenue has been collected and what it’s being spent on? And if the tax payer has no access to this information how is society able to police possible government corruption.

It’s a heated debate, however the governments total lack of transparency may cost them votes in upcoming elections. Are we being screwed? Well we really just don’t know.