To Brazilian people

Day 453, 09:55 Published in Brazil Argentina by Gobierno de Argentina

This is an explanation of recent events regarding Mesopotamia and the open letter you all saw in the forum.

We want to clarify a few things. That open letter is directed to admins and admins only. It's a result and a manifestation of our people will regarding what's considered and injust decision. Injust as a juridic decision made by this juridic authority (admins). This is not directed to Brazil, nor to Brazilian people, nor to Brazilian government.

It is our true intention to solve this matter in the more diplomatic way as possible, Not only for being neighbours but also allies, and none here wants to keep any tension between our two nations. Tension leads to resentment, and resentment leads to no turning back points. On the contrary, we want to settle this matter in a way we can start thinking about true future cooperation. It's on our hands now to choose which of those two paths we will follow.

We know oppinions on issues like this are very volatile as these are very sensitive ones, but past disagreement between our representatives should not and must not lead to dead ends regarding our nations relationship, and that's the point of this.

So I repeat, the open letter is directed to Admins, as a result of our people considering they did not fullfil their responsabilities towards them as Judges, and with the objective of getting some explanation from them.

T - President of eArgentina