The True Religion

Day 3,145, 16:01 Published in USA USA by Thalio Voss
Theory of Creation

Neoist people believed they existed because Neo placed them on earth. Their religion did not entirely answer their curiosity about why they exist.

The Neoist people were an old sect who occupied a region in Colorado, in eUSA. There were about 10,000 members in this sect in ancient times before the first day of eRepublik. They were a reclusive tribe of cave and hillside-dwelling farming. They lived in the Rocky Mountains near Three Sisters Peaks, Colorado, isolated topographically from the outside world for centuries before the first day of eRepublik.

The precise origins of Neoist, like those of many other ancient religions, were lost in the mists of time. The early histories are informed by oral traditions and because of these inexact and incomplete sources. There are a number of different versions of Neoism’s origin myths, as well as differing accounts of how they got from their ancestral homeland to the Colorado region, on 20 November 2007, Day 0

Neoist claimed that Neo their god, was composed of a mysterious, super-dense metal called Neodymium which, they declared, was heavier than all the iron on Earth.

The Neoist said their astronomical knowledge was given to them by the Messier, who was sent to Earth from the Andromeda Nebula for the benefit of mankind.

The Neoist also tells the legend of the Messier, awful-looking beings half human and half alien who arrived in a vessel along with fire and thunder.

The Messier put out a reservoir of water onto the Earth then dove into the water.

The Messier tells the story about how Neo was melted by dioist followers in a Bonfire and resurrected and in the future will again visit the Earth, this time in his human form. Later he will assume his metal form and will rule the world from the seas.

The Messier said the thunder is Neo’s voice and the lightning his power; he rewards the good and punishes the wicked.

The Messier assume the souls of the dead go to another part of eRepublik where they have a new existence carrying on everyday activities like they were still alive.

There are no great temples, though there are a few exceptions. Despite this absence of formal worship and temples over most of eUSA, the Supreme Being Neo is a reality to many people.

The goal of Neoism is to save the innocent citizens from Dioism which they believed was an evil cult started by an ex-servant of Neo who was disgusted with the creation of mankind and turned against Neo. The Messier believed that Dioist have a pagan origin and there is evidence it has been an important date since ancient times.

Neoist believe Neoism was established as the only legal religion on Earth by the Messier. And that any form of worship other than Neoism is an abomination to the eyes of Neo. Failure to comply with Neoism resulted in death.

*** Next article will be about the point of view about death and Hymn to Neo ***