The Photoplasty

Day 2,760, 21:00 Published in India Croatia by Anubis.3


I'm Scarlett Johnson, your friendly neighbourhood photographer! - It's good to be a part of this awesome community 🙂 - I must thank Kunal Grover, especially for helping with the images. He's simply awesome! 😃

I now, proudly bring you the Photoplasty contest 2015.

Have a particular penchant for awesome scenery?

Or, heart-stopping pictures?

Else, you are in love with the ceaseless action of sport?

Then, this contest is for you!

For this week's photoplasty, our topic is:

Fantastic Sport

Your image should be related to sport in some way. It doesn't matter what sport you choose. The context of the images can be anything! - Iconic moments, incredible feats of athleticism, strange and wonderful sports. Any single participant has four entries each. You can use these entries to send in images of all types to increase your odds of winning. The images can come from anywhere - from your own camera, Google or from a wall. Only caveat is that the images have to be awesome 🙂

The contest will run from the moment of publication of this article, until Sunday 14th, midnight. All entries must be sent directly to the PM of India: Kunal Grover. In the case we get two similar images, the one which was delivered to us first gets allowed.

And, now we move on to the prizes.

First prize

50% of the total pot.

Say we have a 2000 total in contributions, you get to walk away with 1000 INR. The rest goes to the government, to fund the newest projects to make the country more awesome, yay!

20 Q7 weapons

1000 Energy

Consolation prize

1000 Energy and a consolidatory pat on the back 🙂

I totally want to take part! - what is the fee?

The entrance fee will be 25 INR for each entry. No more than your typical endorsement. With that amount and the right image, you stand a chance of winning a hundred times more! - you can put yourself ahead of the competition by sending in the maximum of four entries.

The competition will be judged by three impartial judges, two from the awesome country of Switzerland and the third from the dusky reaches of New Zealand. The winner will be announced on Wednesday the 17th and their image will be published, along with the other entries in our next issue. Of course, this competition is not limited to Indian citizens. Anyone with the talent or inclination can take part!

All the best, and may the best image win!
