The Everlasting Future

Day 825, 21:01 Published in Japan Japan by Amamiya Haruhi

It is with great pleasure that I bring you the most serious announcement from the Desu Workers' Party in quite a long time since even our founding. As of late, we've finally reached a glorious peak of 25 members, although 3 of our members are currently running for congress which I'll get into soon. As of late, we've continued our steady growth rate with active recruitment efforts, and promoting ourselves as the 'party with a voice', in which the citizens within our party work for the betterment of eJapan as a whole: for the civilians, by the civilians.

As you may all know, we achieved an astounding feat long ago with only 9 members, by managing to snag our first Congress seat. Our congressman was ACSephiroth who served a respectable term and did his job wonderfully. While he is currently bogged down by real life, and thus cannot re-run until (at least) next semester, I'd like to congratulate him on his term's success, and give him my heartfelt appreciation for his dedication. On top of this, Sephi, I wish you the best in your current real life endeavours.

This time we are aiming for roughly 2 or 3 Congress seats [5-7.5%] in order to increase our influence and continue to show eJapan and the Worl😛 The Desu Revolution never stops, and never slows down, it only prospers and works for the better. However, we've decided to increase our cooperation to include the Imperial Sun Party. In doing so, along with running our candidates with our good friends at the SOS Brigade, we hope to achieve our goals. Of course, we can only hope for the best. Our candidates this run around are Yagami M in Shikoku and Sigrun_Makinen and Cayen in Tohoku. I wish each of my candidates this round the upmost luck, and hope we can achieve victory.

On a finalized note, I'd like to also say two important things. First, we've adopted Azu-nyan as our official DWP Living Mascot. While Suiseiseki is indeed the party mascot, Azu shall function as our living one. I'd also like to take this moment to thank Fae with my upmost appreciation for always supporting me and my party in our endeavours. It's great to have friends.