The Election Results

Day 1,477, 07:17 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112
Dear all,

It surely has been exciting presidential elections yesterday. Both me and DemNL candidate Joep O battled for this position, both were close to winning victory. Joep O, however, did have a majority over me with a small margin of 2 votes. I would like to congratulate Joep O on his victory, as I know he's suited for the job and also is my favourite DemNL'r (insert quasi-sarcasm smiley). I also want to congratulate The eNetherlands and it's community; Thirty more votes were casted this month, in comparison to November. This proves our nation is back on it's path to another golden age!

I also want to thank my friends of CLN and I&W, and any other supporters, who have supported me in the presidential campaign.

Congressmember CLN