Thank you!

Day 3,083, 13:01 Published in India Bulgaria by Anzar Khan

Greetings Fellow erepubliKans

Today I would like to thank all the eIndians and my friends who participated in Auction organized by me and also in the riddle post.
Thank you guys for making the last two posts of mine a huge success.

Also I would like to thank Wittyprakash who encouraged me for starting the auction and not only gladly allowed me to use his idea but also participated in it. (And eventually won it).

And a huge thanks to Eraclev whose Idea I took from TAR. I know eraclev you miss organising TAR, I just published a single riddle article and I liked it so much, I can only imagine the feelings you have attached with TAR. I hope maybe someday you would find me worthy enough to help you out with some project, and let me work with you.


Fellow eIndian