Sweet Home eNew Zealand

Day 1,052, 23:33 Published in New Zealand Japan by Amamiya Haruhi

Sweet Home eNew Zealand
- The Black Knights find a home -

Greetings, eNew Zealand!

My name is Brigade Chief Haruhi Suzumiya, someone of limited notoriety with 3 congressional terms under my belt, and a string of semi-successful party leaderships under my belt. The last party I ever took part in founding was The Black Knights back in my original home of eJapan. Ever since, myself and the flock of people who call themselves my 'friends' and 'followers' have taken up this mantle to describe ourselves as a group of people. A moving, continuous exodus has been occurring through our ranks for months on end until as of late we finally found somewhere we could call home: eNew Zealand. Somehow, I managed to beat the game's failures in the early hours of eNew Zealand's creation becoming the 2nd citizen to ever enter the new country's boundaries. Beyond that, I wish to say the following to all new eNew Zealanders joining me, and to my friends whom are choosing to return to the game, or come to this new country:

Welcome to a place we can call home, eKiwis, let's enjoy our times and do our best!

I've got around ~100 GOLD sitting in an organization, most of which I'll be contributing little-by-little to eNew Zealand economic and political landscape (both in helping companies jumpstart, and the future official political party of our nation, considering our plans at a single-party state in the beginning). So to those of you whom are with me in this nation, I wish you luck and fun.

With the favor of the goddess, we do tread forth into the dark unknown.

In the light of Haruhi, do we walk this earth.
In her will, do we commit our actions to fun.
In her stead, do we explore the mysteries of this world.
So we follow, so we are, so we forever will be: eHaruhiists