Support My Campaign for the National Diet (for the ULJ!)

Day 2,798, 08:18 Published in Japan Russia by shirosakura


I am officially announcing my first ever run for e-political office! I'm hoping to serve the United Lolies of Japan, Tsunami, and the nation as a whole as a member of our historic Diet!

On to the issues!

My Plans as a Member of the Diet

- Greater Transparency: As a member of the diet, I'm going to try greater public awareness of the everyday operations of the government. There currently isn't a lot for the Diet to do right now, but laws do get proposed and passed every now and then by the current government. I want to make sure that our regular citizens know what's going on.

- Supporting the ULJ Agenda: Of course, my main goal will be to represent the interests of the ULJ! Whenever discussions happen on policies and other legislation, I'm going to make sure that the voice of the lollies are heard.

My Stance on the Issues

As an aside, I announced in the last article, I plan to reintroduce the ideas of the Righteous Nation Philosophy as officical eJapanese policy - in the long term. In the short term, I plan to follow it personally. The ULJ has traditionally supported the Philosophy, so it would nothing more than a return to our historical roots.

- Foreign Policy: I support the idea of being active in a defensive alliance, so I support the idea of being a part of a defensive alliance, as I think it's perfect for the values of Japan. However, this would be conditional with our adherence to section 1 of the RNP, which doesn't condone the establishment of extraterritorial colonies.

I also believe that it is in our best interest to build and continuing to maintain friendly relations with our neighborhood nations, including the Republic of China and Korea;

- Domestic Policy: Obviously, I support the efforts of our party to create and ratify a constitutional dictatorship to power, providing a flexible framework of sorts for our and future governments to follow. One of the things that I would like to see included are several clauses that make a return to democracy possible in the future.

I also support continued negotiations between the two opposing coalitions on creating unity and promoting new ways to our parties to bridge the divide and work together. The only way for us to create a bridge forward is through continued mutual cooperation, and that's something I definitely want to promote through my time in office.

Futhermore, I would also like to see reform in our country's immigration policy in the short term. In light of the declining world population, it's important that our doors are inviting and open for immigrants from all over the New World who wish to begin a life in our eCountry, and we need to make sure that we're creating an inviting environment for them, regardless of where they may come from or what they may believe.

As long as dialogue is open and honest, I believe there will be a path forward for us! Please continue to support me as I walk with eJapan into the future!

In short, this will be my first congressional campaign, but I hope that even in my state of limited power, I will still be able to do great things to help shape this country for the better! I will make sure that those who are in power and the other congressman hear the needs of our people, and I will continue to speak the will of the people until our voices are heard!

Please consider joining the ULJ or any Tsunami-aligned party in casting your vote for change in eJapan, and together we will show the people of the New World that Japan is rising!

Vote United Lolies of Japan! Vote for Hope and Prosperity in the New Era!