Strength and Honor: America First...?

Day 2,178, 05:22 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone

:adjusting tin hat:
:touching mike to cause a squelching noise:

Could I get a Hooker up here, please?

'What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Strength and Honor.'
Maximus Decimus Meridius

The movie Gladiator made those watchwords famous, much like ‘Winter is Coming’ now echoes across the interblog. ‘Dude! It was an FN movie,' some will shout, but I say when words ring the ring is because they are a truism. Some citizens will smirk, claim plagiarism and openly scoff at my lack of intelligence and I will shake my head at their lack of imagination.

The same can be said about the actions of citizens, when a citizen (especially an ex President) walks, talks and acts like a traitor he is NOT being a patriotic American. After allowing ex President and political collaborator Henry Pfeiffer Arundel to return to the American Homeland, an ex President who flagrantly disregarded the rules while thumbing his nose at an impotent Congress, Congress is now debating the censure of a Congress Member who committed the exact same crime as Paul Proteus, sadly Congress has become nothing more than a long running knock knock joke and winter is most certainly coming to America.

In the past it has been suggested that I am beating a dead horse and they are correct, this is no longer just about Henry Pfeiffer Arundel; it is now about a Congress that has no honor except among fellow traitors. So little strength of character that they can not even enforce the very rules they implemented, the ‘Pfeifferist’ flocked to the defense of an ex President who defected to TWO, an ex President who was politically active in the UK Parliament; an ex President who tanks only for the UK and brags about it. Shouldn’t ex Presidents be held to a higher standard?

A Congress who has now censured a Congress Member who granted citizenship to an active and well known expatriate returning to the game after not playing for a period of time, a citizen who filled out the proper forms and a Congress Member who sought IES approval; who a little ahead of time ‘jumped the gun’ and went ahead with approval of the citizen’s grant. So Paul Proteus (wasn’t it convenient that Malarky83 stepped forward) breaks the rules in the exact same manner, Henry Pfeiffer Arundel thumbs his nose at Congress by NOT even filling out an IES form; and a traitorous ex President is readmitted as everyone pats everyone on the back. Now that is fair play at it’s ‘Pfeifferist’ best, no?

America politicians need to adopt their own watchwords and they should be ‘America First’. The ‘Pfeifferist’ who populate the eUSA Forum and who unflaggingly support the collaborator Henry Pfeiffer Arundel, IMO, are no better that than those who support Ronald Gipper Reagan. They have supported a single citizen who believes himself above the Laws of America, they have supported a political collaborator who undoubtedly plays both sides of the street; they support a citizen who has no loyalty to America beyond his own enrichment. Why should any citizen, most especially an ex President, who defected to the enemy not be censored from not only Congress; but also any part of it’s apparatus for conducting business. Is it any wonder why I want Congress removed from their ‘donation funded’ forum?

America’s Foreign Policy has made her the pariah of the world, a country seen as corrupt and untrustworthy; a country who will stab their brother in the back for personal gain. Circle of Trust is dead and IMO good riddance, currently our government needs to heed the same watchwords as Congress and put ‘America First’; placing the welfare of America above self. America can not regain her former stature as a trusted ally when the Congress who enforces her laws and treaties, a Congress that controls the Foreign Policy and Military might of America are seen as weak corrupt puppets to a dishonorable traitor. The real power is not to be found in the White House, it is found down the street in a ‘Pfeifferist’ controlled Congress which has neither Strength nor Honor.

I’m just saying….