Securing the future of the Desu Revolution~

Day 1,236, 21:20 Published in Austria Japan by Amamiya Haruhi

Securing the future of the Desu Revolution~
Run for Party Presidency of the DWP

When I was once a citizen of eJapan, I ran a party bearing the same name and almost the exact same logo as the one that exists in eAustria today. During those times, I preached of the desu~ revolution, and lived by the desu~ manifesto, as it was also my personal manifesto. My dream then was to lead the party to glory and gain a large membership of individuals committed to a left-leaning government, left-leaning ideals, and of course: to fun.

During the time that the former and current DWP have existed, many have flocked to the banner of the revolution, all of whom are from similiar or even different walks of life. I look forward to making my dream in the past a reality again, by bringing the same enthusiasm for my revolution and my manifesto that I once had in eJapan to eAustria.

Let it henceforth be announced that I will be running for PP of the DWP.

As such, I have the following goals set in mind for the future (whether they happen in the short-term or long-term is left to be seen):

- Formation of a party organization, and party companies. Through these companies, party members will be able to work exclusively as employees in a communal-based system. Alongside a mid-range pay, workers will receive the benefits of their own labor as payment.

- Formation of an Events Committee which will be in charge of creating, and organizing, events with which to maintain high-party activity along with keeping the game fun and enjoyable.

- A recruitment drive of larger proportions than in the past. By bringing new members into the party and/or the eAustrian community (from off-game or out-of-country), I hope to revitalize some of the stagnancy that has existed in the country for the past couple of weeks, by bringing in productive members whom are capable, and willing to contribute.

- The re-formation of the Revolutionary Desu Guard, a militia unit formed exclusively from the Desu Workers' Party and its' members. This unit, seperate from the National Military, will engage in various conflicts across the globe to train and improve the strength and skill of several members of the national community. In matters of national defense/when orders are issued, the Revolutionary Desu Guard will cease to act independently for the duration of the ordered battle/defense, and function alongside the National Military for the benefit of the nation. By training and improving our own strength and skill in battle, the times when we fight for our country should wield more fruitful and positive results.

- Formation of a 3-man Revolutionary Tribunal beneath the party president that will be responsible for helping with party management, and will function as party leadership upon absence of the party president.