Results of the guess-game

Day 2,725, 09:18 Published in Japan Japan by Sinon

Konnichiwa Minna-san!~

As promised I will publish the results of the guess-game and the winner of the 500cc!

But first, let's have a look at the contestants!
Sorted by the highest to the lowest guess (NOK only)

Sugawara Fujiwara - 21,500
Helpmeslack - 12,000
Sophia Forrester - 9,001
Ahava3233 - 8,300
Aymay - 6,789
Tenryuu Hayashi - 6,500
Sapi.tempur - 5,824.37
Metehan2010 - 5,000
Ungolim Pontius the Knight - 4,200
Dactarik - 3,500

A lot of good guesses there and a few quite incredible as well (seriously, how much money do you guys think I have? xD)

But the answer is.... 5,127.49,-
This means that the winner is Metehan2010! Congratulations! 😃

Yours truly,