Response to LoDNS article by Frodovius

Day 269, 19:23 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

All I managed to make out from Frodovius' [a url=]article[/a] was that LoDNS wants to rip off Betamjau's sweater to expose her boobies as well as streak around nude in Stockholm. Do you really want to see any member of LoDNS running around nude anywhere? Seriously? A naked, hairy and illiterate hobbit? No? Well then don't vote for them. And as far as ripping off Betamjau's sweater goes, I'm sure many of you have had lewd fantasies about Betamjau and Cinc in various positions. Who hasn't? But that's no reason to rip their clothes off. Besides, it's not possible to go topless when spandex overalls are mandatory. It's morphin' time!!! Remember? Idiots.
