PP Candidacy DemNL August 2011

Day 1,359, 22:51 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by NoTie112

Dear members of DemNL,

Hereby I announce my candidacy for Party Presidency August 2011. First of all, let me apoligize for my inactivity during my first shot at the PP back in June. I can only make it up by seizing the Presidency, to prove you the things I once promised.

I returned (now for real) to eNetherlands, only to see our party and the whole community of eNL being dead. 'The Summer' is not an excuse, only a farce to cover up the problems. These things have started way before the summer, and have decreased activity in eNetherlands ever since the ePolish invasions..

We are at crossroads, and we need to act now, before it's too late. Let's reform our party in the inactive summer, so we are back at tracks when the activity awakes once again. The party is at risk of splitting, influential politicians left our party, we have lost our position as biggest and most active party of The eNetherlands.

Reform of Party Managment
Currently our Party Managment consist of it's founding members and especially one person, broersje. This 'elite' has fallen apart, or lost interest and without them the whole party starts to collapse. It might not have fallen completly yet, but it will happen once eventually. We need to clearly define and divide the tasks between the current party managment, and invite new members to join us. If we are able in succeeding, it won't be a disaster when a person or two quit the game. It also lightens the pressure on some of us, so we all can have fun contributing to our great party.

A New Direction
We have distanced ourselves too much from the general populace, and focused too much on the trivial affairs, like our democratic institutions. In order to attract more members, we need to focus on the things which are important in-game and don't feel boring and sluggish to our newer members. They don't want to feel like they're in the court of justice, they want to feel like they're on a battlefield, or in an exciting struggle for political power. We need to clearly define what our goals are, instead of longing for trivial affairs, like human rights or democracy. We need to provocate this new direction, in order to distance ourselves in a positive manner from the rest. DemNL should be the party which doesn't apply populistic tactics, but still is interesting for the population. I want to have DemNL more focused on globalism. Remove Dutch patriotism and keep our country a safe haven for foreigners. Unification with Belgium is also a worthfull option in my opinion.

Peace in our Time
We need to calm the heat which has formed within our party. It might be true that in the debates the discussions heat up to a point that our problems look like nothing, but we can't neglect them. We can not risk fragmentation within our party while we are our most vulnerable. I'll try to mediate between the different persons who have a problem. They either behave or leave, but won't infect the rest of the party.

Publicity & Recruitment
We need to take back the media with articles. We need to inform the population with mass pm's, things we once did and took our party to the top position. An active party like DemNL contributes to a more active society in The eNetherlands. It is our responsibility to keep eNL active, as nobody else does. I'm for actively helping the newer people: We invite them, train them by giving information and supplies and eventually we hand over the managment to them. I will finally introduce the 'Robin Hood' program broersje and I once made up.

This concludes my plans for the party coming month. I want to wish both ElGorro and Briepe the best of luck. Let the elections be a celebration of democracy, may the best choice win!
