Post-election fever

Day 2,869, 01:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Tangbod

What a fun time we've had in the UKPP to select our congress list, with the 'King Willy' and his faithful sidekick Chappie complaining about too many choices being offered to the party members, and about the ESO candidate who was placed in the #4 spot not being on the ballot. Willy obviously didn't read the party feed about that, as we rebuild the bridges that Ajay so desperately did his best to destroy during his reign of tyranny. This might help you out Ajay

Now these 2 characters are playing the blame game, even after they had a hand in the attempt at fixing the voting process, yet again, and failing quite badly, yet again. We saw the vote for Willy, who has popular support within the party mind you collapse to a paltry 8 votes placing him last on the list of official candidates. Now this collapse of support raises the question of where did all Willy's support come from in the recent PP election and I know where i'm looking. You've got it, straight at the 'We're not a yes men party/MU' under the control of its benevolent leadership that dictates who will be the next PP and doesn't tolerate dissent, it's not that hard to figure out who we're on about here, either that or the amount of money offered for votes was dramatically increased. Here we see these voters being welcomed, albeit temporarily, to the party by King Willy.

Enough of the seriousness, now onto something a little bit more light hearted and it's still to do with the blame game as one deluded individual, for once not the Willy one, just won't accept that getting multi's banned is a good thing as "it's ruining our party and running it down" aside from the fact that he has difficulty counting beyond the number 5 (hasn't figured out he's got 2 hands yet). To me the answer is simple if he doesn't like the restored democracy to the membership then bugger off elsewhere, go back from whence you came and let us enjoy the game. I now leave you with this thought provoking image, that will have burned itself into your memory before you managed to look away.

More fun to come.