Political Hotspot

Day 2,694, 09:22 Published in United Kingdom Canada by JQXZ

Welcome to the thirteenth edition of Political Hotspot

Max Blue, of the UKPP, has won the first presidential election since the restoration of democracy in the United Kingdom. Max Blue was supported by four parties, the WRP, Every Single One, British Democrat Party and The WBUKP.

The membership of the PCP has fallen to the lowest since I joined the game - with the gap between it and the sixth largest party being just seventeen members. With the gradual decline of the PCP and the rise of the British Democrat Party (formerly United Sovereign), I can foresee some changes to the make-up of Congress in the future.

The Kingdom Chronicles has carried out it's first ever opinion poll, on the issue of dictatorship in the UK. It is likely that further polls will be carried out on key issues for the UK in the future, probably with a larger sample size, since the response rate was disappointingly low.

Do you support dictatorship?

Based on the opinion of four respondents from a randomly selected sample of party members in the United Kingdom.

The results show a clear leaning towards dictatorship, however with so few respondents the result may not be representative of the general opinion of UK players.

The next edition of Political Hotspot will be published on Thursday 16th April.