Day 2,268, 08:51 Published in Slovenia Serbia by GrinOne

One political anecdote from our eSituation. The people are real, the plot is real and solution is real too! ...it repeats and repeats whenever there is an eWar SLOVENIA vs CROATIA ...yes, there is a road! 😉

Do you think, this is not true?

I hope, you will reward me with some votes and SUBs and that the ePolitical program will be as helpfull for your country as it was for ours!


Strok78, Colonel Bruce, Dunci and Exclusive are minting war plans. They see Zdlemmy1 approaching and decide to play a trick on him: They will wager that no one can climb on nerby linden and if Zdlemmy1 falls for it and claims he can climb, they will take his shoes when he goes up and they will run away.

When Zdlemmy1 comes along, Strok78 says to him: "We were just talking that no one could climb this linden here. What do you think, Zdlemmy1?

Zdlemmy1 says calmly: "I can climb it."

Colonel Bruce: "Let's see you do it, then"

Zdlemmy1 takes his sandals off, hung them on the belt and begins to climb.

Boys are shocked and Exclusive asks: "Zdlemmy1, why are you taking your sandals with you on the lind?"

"You never can tell," says Zdlemmy1. "Maybe there's a road at the top of the tree!"


Strok78, Colonel Bruce, Dunci i Exclusive kuju vojne planove i zapaze, da im se bliža Zdlemmy1. Odluče se, da se našale sa njim: Staviče, kako niko ne može da se popne na stablo lipe u blizini i ako nasedne, uzeče mu patike i pobječi!

Kada dođe Zdlemmy1 do njih, Strok78 kaže njemu: "Baš smo govorili, da niko ne može da se popne na ovu lipu! Šta ti misliž Zdlemmy1?"

Zdlemmy1 hladnorvno kaže: "Ja se mogu popeti na stablo lipe."

Colonel Bruce: "Pa da te vidimo onda!"

Zdlemmy1 skine patike i obesi ih za pas i počne da se penja...

Dečki zaprepadeni i Exclusive pita: "Zdlemmy1, zašto uzeo patike na lipu?"

"Nikada ne možeš znati," kaže Zdlemmy1. "Možda tamo ima put na vrh stabla!"


Strok78, Colonel Bruce, Dunci in Exclusive kujejo vojne zarote in opazijo, da se jim približuje Zdlemmy1. Dogovorijo se, da se ponorčujejo na njegov račun: Stavili bodo, da nihče ne more splezati na bližnjo lipo in če nasede, mu bodo "spizdili" šlape in pobegnili!

Ko pride Zdlemmy1 do njih, mu Strok78 reče: "Ravnokar smo stavili, da nihče ne more splezati na tole lipo. Kaj ti misliš Zdlemmy1?"

Zdlemmy1 hladnokrvno odgovori: "Jaz lahko splezam gor."

Colonel Bruce: "No, da te vidimo!"

Zdlemmy1 sezuje šlape, si jih obesi za pas in prične plezati....

Spletkarji šokirani in Exclusive ga vpraša: "Zdlemmy1, zakaj pa neseš šlape s seboj na lipo?"

"Nikoli ne veš," pravi Zdlemmy1. "Morda je pot na vrhu drevesa."