New Year = New You

Day 2,598, 10:54 Published in USA Russia by Chandlerz12345

It's that time of the year again; the end of days before we resolve to work on what we didn't last year and reflect on how to successfully do it. It's the time when we realize the holidays are over and those nice full belly's we have after those massive meals are finally sinking in, yet the hope for more is fading away. After today its back to the status quo and the hum drum lives we lead and one clicking continues. I don't want to see this happen to myself though. For my new years resolution I vow to become more active in my erepublik community.

How will I do this you may ask?

My plan is simple really:
By taking on more tasks to help my fellow feds where it is needed and working hard to help S.H.I.E.L.D become the best and horniest MU there is:

Recently being elected to congress has lit a flame under my ass to become much more politically active. Representing my party and people is something I never knew I wanted as badly as I did until I had it. I am going to strive to come up with beneficial laws to strengthen our great nation eUSA and actively work with the other congressmen. Maybe we can finnaly be seen in a positive light and show we are here to do SUMPTHIN!

Writing more articles is another great way. I am going to be writing a lot of articles in the future, so stay tuned for more greatness.

Lastly, I wish everyone a happy end of holiday season and New Year. Use this time to truly reflect and feel free to add your New Years resolutions in the comments section.

P.S. I think I found out some of the worlds leaders New Years resolutions:

David Cameron: allow Wales to become its own country just to spite the SNP
Angela Merkel: hire a debt collection agency
Francois Hollande: hide in a corner in the fetal position until Sarkozy gets elected again
Shinzo Abe: create new arrow for Abenomics, subsidize Toho Studios
Dilma Rousseff: start actually vetting cabinet members
Jokowi: get Motorhead to write new Indonesian national anthem
Stephen Harper: always remember to treasure Tim Horton's, even though Burger King now owns it
Vladimir Putin: grow a moustache, start investing in grey uniforms
Kim Jong-Un: stave off coup for a couple months
Pope Francis: increase Church attendance by adding weed to Communion somehow
Xi Jinping: hope that Russia and North Korea will just sort themselves out
Antonis Samaras: change name to "Georgi Clooney" to evade Germany's new debt collection agency
Obama: just start doing the late night circuit, leave the presidenting to "whoever the hell wants to do that godawful job"

Chandlerz12345, OUT