Mordakai8 for PP of The AFK

Day 1,692, 14:30 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks.

I would like to announce my candidacy for Party President of The AFK Party.

Now, I have nothing against Tyrael Snow, Quite frankly I think he's a great player. That being said, our views on many issues seem to conflict. The first being our stance on the Forums and IRC.

See, my opponent would like to do away with the old systems that we have in place on the premise that they aren't as sufficient as doing things in game. He claims that there would be more activity within congress if congressional discussion was held in game with PM's and news articles. I believe that instead of simply doing away with the problem, that we should actually fix it. If elected, I will promote and encourage active use of the forums and IRC for AFK congressman.

One could argue that such views conflict with that of the party's, and you would be right.

If I win this election, I would like to refocus the party's intentions from removing the forums and IRC, to more important things that will benefit the country as a whole. This includes active debate on the party's stance on the new N.A.P alliance, and improving AFK attendance on the forums.

So if you would like a party that focuses on sweeping the forums under the rug, and has shown his support for the N.A.P alliance without even once having a public discussion about each and every members stance on it, then vote for Snow.

If you would like a party that focuses on fixing what's broken, and will value each and every members ideas and thoughts, then vote for me.

A vote for me is a vote for change!

Thank you members of the AFK.
Thank you eCanada.