Monetary Trading - February

Day 3,025, 13:40 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

Hello Australia,

The current term our department made some speculations on Monetary Market. While we use Government funds the deals must be 100% secured and without risk of losing any funds. That's why we choose the safest way of speculation by placing offer for selling currency with rate of 1AUD = 0.003 Gold.

There are two factors for successful deal:
1. knowledge about timing, intervals between previous offers, amount of currency placed;
2. Luck - it has big magnitude when we speak about safest way of trading.

If you don't know how to place the offer then all around can make good profit except you. And just the opposite - even doing the perfect job you can go home with empty hands.

In the beginning of this term 400 000 AUD were transferred from RBA to 5 Orgs:
eAus Department of Information - 80K cc
Australian Army Reserves - 80K cc
True Australians War Fund - 80K cc
eAustralian University - 80K cc
Department for Health - 80K cc

Today (3025) we finalized the deals and results are ready to be published. There are new offers on MM which will give results next term. The total profit is 36 500 AUD. Everything necessary for transparent report is written and screen shoots are attached - just click here. Each round takes exactly 10 days - for February we were able to make 2 rounds.

If you have some questions please don't hesitate to ask. That was short information about monetary trading, next article will provide you the Final Report.

J Seemore
Deputy Minister of Finance