Liar, liar pants on fire....

Day 2,192, 06:45 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone
:adjusting tin hat:
:touching mike to cause a squelching noise:

Could I get a Hooker up here, please?

Henry Pfeiffer Arundel: Liar, Traitor, Cheater....

'Sure, I have to be on some ATO 'master list' or whatever...and as I have no intention of seeking elective office, that matters not to me.'

America, it is time to wake up to the fact that Ex President Henry Pfeiffer Arundel, who defected to the United Kingdom where he served in Parliament, who broke every immigration law on the Congressional books upon his return, this traitor who stated he was not interested in enter American Politics has once again lied to America for his personal gain.

On day 2185, after clearly proving to America beyond any doubt his contempt for Congress, released the article Giving Congress a Purpose. With Congressional elections just around the corner, once again this traitor has lied to America and is running under the United States Workers Party (USWP) banner for Congress.

The citizen who stated he wasn't interested in politics is now sticking his nose into American politics, once again he has lied to the American public. How can America trust him, the USWP or a Congress who refused to censure this citizen who flagrantly broke Congressional procedure; a citizen who now wishes to give that body purpose. Seems to me that one of those purposes was to enforce the immigration laws, a purpose at which they totally failed.

On eRepublik day 2181 citizen Tiamati released the article Technocratic Tenets and while I disagree with him about Admin making improvements, I do agree that eRepublik is no longer played in game; but rather is played on the eUSA Forums which are controlled by a 'Pfeifferist' cabal of traitors or on 'Pfeifferist' controlled IRC channels, where the great man himself attacks female citizens using words not even Satan himself would use.

On October 28th, starting with George Armstrong Custer's thread @12:01pm Special Dispensation of a Citizenship Approval and followed @12:17 pm by [Discussion] Censure of Paul Proteus. America has been treated to the greatest example of why the American Congress MUST be removed from these forms and brought back into the game of eRepublik.

Once those two threads had hit the forum they were quickly followed @06:30pm by [Discussion] Overturn the Censure of Paul Proteus, followed @06:45pm by [Proposal]Overturn the Censure of Paul Proteus. The next day, October 29th they were all followed @07:26pm by [Vote] Overturn the Censure of Paul Proteus.

Virtually before he is censured that censure is overturned; all while Henry Pfeiffer Arundel sticks his epeen as deep up Congress's rectal cavity as possible and with a liberal use of the crop on their a$$e$ screams, 'Giddy Up, Hoes.'

My detractors claim my articles concerning Henry Pfeiffer Arundel are because of my personal dislike of him, I do not know this 'Boy Scout' personally; however like every other citizen in eRepublik I do know his public persona.

What I see is a citizen who believes he is above the rules, the very rules he and his 'Pfeifferist Cabal' insist the rest of America obey, I see a citizen who believes he is better than anyone else and who no longer plays eRepublik other than to copy and paste some insulting gif or some two line put down of a citizen and not an idea.

What I know about him is that everyone who defends him starts with, 'Yes, he is an asshat, but...." How many citizens hang out with asshats? Come on don't be shy raise your hand if you have one or more asshats in your life that you hang with. Me either. The minute I realize someone I have recently met is an asshat, I show them the door; personally I don't need asshats ruining my day.

There are many citizens world wide who have been in Congress, IMO there are several questions which need to be answere😛

1) Have you EVER seen anything in Congress be Discussed, Proposed and Voted on in less than 48 hours?

2) Since it is obvious that the 'Pfeifferist' have majority control of the votes on those forums, does anyone believe that our government will actually change?

3) If the 'Pfeifferist' can shove something like the return of America's Greatest Traitor Henry Pfeiffer Arundel up our collective anus, shouldn't they at least use some grease?

My opinion is that until America starts to conduct Congressional Business inside the game of eRepublik, America will continue to be seen as a street walker for sale to the highest bidder; our government and hence our Foreign Policy will remain in the hands of a cabal of 'Pfeifferist Traitors'.

Until the Top 5 parties start placing candidates who are willing to conduct America's business totally inside eRepublik and totally away from both the eUSA Forums and 'Pfeifferist' controlled IRC channels America will remain a pariah, we will remain one of the most hated countries in eRepublik; we will remain in yoked servitude to Poland and Serbia.

I’m just saying….