Kuro no Kishidan: Transitions of Time

Day 975, 03:34 Published in Netherlands Japan by Amamiya Haruhi

This article, and the entirety of it's contents are meant to showcase the transitions of time that we must walk, as exiles, as citizens, as former eJapanese nationals. What is said in this article may be prone to bias due to the author's position on issues and events in eJapan and the eNetherlands.

The Black Knights was the final string of parties founded by myself, Brigade Chief Haruhi Suzumiya, during my rather long political career in eJapan. The purpose of The Black Knights was to envelop the spirit of the long-dead Desu Workers' Party, created for the purpose of fun & community in a country where serious cutthroat politics were common nature. To us, the Desu Workers' Party was where everything began, and where we all came together as friends and comrades. It was our home.

After about a week of actually spending the gold to form the party, we began to 'get our shit together'. Working with individuals who were favorable to a party with a rather 'serious' outlook on politics when required, we began to hunt for members & people favorable to our ideals. Several old DWP members joined the flock of people in this new party, 'The Black Knights'. Beyond them we also had a few people from the then-dissolved merger between the DWP/eSOS: The Sekai Shakai Sensen, and other new-found political advocates, and people who generally were on the same page with what we wanted for our country as a whole: An overall, and generally 'better' situation.

After managing to organize ourselves, we formally drafted a party platform (which can be seen roughly two articles down from this present article.) where we showcased our ideals, and officially gave birth to 'The Black Knights' as an actual force/entity in eJapanese politics.

About two days prior to the upcoming party presidential election, an individual known as yonsil came to our party and decided to put his name in the basket to oppose me in the election. Little did we know that we actually rather naive about the scale of what was forthcoming. It was only until the day of the elections, when we saw votes rocketing in yonsil's favor (likely from two-clicking members of the party) that we knew the end was near. About a day prior to this, we also learned the United Lolies of Japan was also coming under serious 'takeover' threat. Both our own party and the ULJ, one of the oldest eJapanese parties, found themselves with new names.

The ULJ became SEES Nippon, The Black Knights became the FurryBear Refugee Camp. We stood after these events, broken. The parties that both of these respective groups had known was gone. It became to clear to us that the lack of organizational control we, The Black Knights, had over our own presidential elections (for example, failing to send out messages about the threat) would later make us suffer consequences that we thought unforseeable. Looking back on these events, many of the now-former TBK members felt disgusted. Tired of the situation in our once-beloved home country, we took the 'road less traveled', self-imposed exile.

Discussions then began to take place among the core of the party about where to go, and what location we would choose as our 'new home'. After a lengthy night of speaking on the subject and chatting with Dutch government/citizens on IRC, we finally chose the eUnited Netherlands.

The immigration process took far less than expected, and just recently the Dutch News Agency put out an article on the 'eJapanese exodus' detailing our acceptance into the country. I would like to thank those who vouched for us, and any other eDutch citizen that has been friendly and kind to us during this time. Now we begin a lengthy trek towards assimilation. We are still but 'tourists' in this country, not fully accustomed to our surrounding and not fully understanding everything.

Getting a stable job, finding a party, being active and engaged Dutch citizens.

In short: Assimilation.

Now that we're here, we have to adhere to this. The advice I have to give my fellow 'Black Knights' is short, sweet, and to the point. Get involved, and become active members of the community. We've been welcomed here with open arms, and the citizens of this land have proven to be friends. It would be a waste if we sat in the country, two-clicked, and did nothing else.

As we continue to find jobs in the country, we have found a place to group together: the Communist Party of the Netherlands. The party is run by an old friend of mine from CyberNations, who was more than willing to welcome me and my fellow exiles into his party as comrades. I appreciate this gesture infinitely, as it further displays exactly how kind the native Dutch have been to us.

I highly recommend all Black Knights sign up on the following:
- eUNL National Forums: http://www.enetherlands.nl/index.php
- Internationale Forums: http://the-internationale.org/index.php

Be involved, and be active on both. Enjoy your new home, and breath the life we've been given. However, we must never forget our roots. At the very core, we are eJapanese, through and through. Although our former home and birthplace is a place we do not find desirable to talk about, nor live in any further, the culture of our home nation will always be with us in the depths of our souls.

Do not forget that. In my spare time, I've made a userbar that we can proudly wear to identify ourselves. Any former member of 'The Black Knights' may display this graphic where they please.

Until next time, signing off. Thank you eNetherlands, we love you.